Dr. Bernard Laval
Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Hydrotechnical Engineering
Office: CEME 2208C
Email: blaval@civil.ubc.ca
Phone: 604-822-2204
Publications: Google Scholar
Website: efm.civil.ubc.ca
Dr. Bernard Laval joined the Department of Civil Engineering in June 2002, and currently serves as the Department Head. Additionally, Dr. Laval served as the Associate Head for the Undergraduate Program from 2012-2015 and 2016-2017. His background in Engineering Physics (University of British Columbia) provides him with a very versatile technological base. He has a Masters in Physical Oceanography (McGill University) and a PhD in Environmental Engineering (University of Western Australia). From 1995-1998 Bernard worked as a research scientist developing Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (submersibles) for use as instrument platforms for the study of lakes and coastal waters. Dr. Laval has over 20 years of experience in applied fluid mechanics of inland and coastal waters and has authored several publications on field instrument and numerical model development, as well as description and theory of transport processes in lakes and estuaries.
Research Interests
Field and 3D numerical modeling techniques to describe the spatial and temporal variations of physical processes and their impacts on transport in lakes and coastal waters.
CIVL 215 Fluid Mechanics I
CIVL 315 Fluid Mechanics II
CIVL 416 Environmental Hydraulics
CIVL 542 Physical Limnology
CIVL 543 Turbulent Fluid Dynamics
For a full list of my publications, visit my profile on: