Workplace Training

Please note, all online trainings are found at and the course certificates need to be sent to

All employees (faculty, staff, student employees and students with assigned offices) must receive appropriate training and orientation in the hazards of their work sites and the procedures that must be followed to safely perform their work.

New Worker Safety Orientation

Please take the online “New Worker Safety Orientation” course, and then complete a Part 2 – Site Specific Orientation before working in any buildings. If you are not required to work in UBC buildings, Part 2 should be delayed until such time. 

For working in offices/classrooms please download the “Civil Site Specific Orientation Checklist”, print it out and complete it by hand (handwritten responses will only be accepted). Once complete, please scan or take a picture of the orientation and send to

If you have any questions or will be working in a laboratory (or shop), please contact Scott at to arrange your site specific training.

Preventing and Addressing Workplace Bullying and Harassment

The BC Government requires all UBC Faculty & Staff (including students employed by the University) to receive training about the new workplace bullying and harassment policies and requirements on how to recognize, prevent, and address workplace bullying & harassment.

Workplace Violence Prevention Training

This course is roughly 15-20 minutes in duration and is required under WorkSafeBC regulations for all UBC workers including faculty, staff, student workers and students on practicum placement. 

Privacy IT Fundamentals Training

The two-part Privacy & Information Security – Fundamentals is also mandatory for all employees. Please do both parts.

Preventing and Responding to Sexual Misconduct

UBC strives to maintain a diverse, inclusive, safe and vibrant environment.To do so, all UBC employees must uphold the commitments set out in our Sexual Misconduct Policy.

This training will provide employees with foundational knowledge on the expectations and resources available under the Sexual Misconduct Policy, including:

  • UBC’s sexualized violence resources
  • UBC’s definition of sexual misconduct and prohibited relationships
  • How to respond to a disclosure of sexualized violence in a trauma-informed way

Supervisor Training

Supervisors are key players in the workplace and it is important that they are trained in their roles and responsibilities for the safety of workers. The course Safety Supervision at UBC is for all faculty or staff who have supervisory roles at the university.

All online trainings are found at and the course certificates need to be sent to