Dr. Perry Adebar
Structural & Earthquake Engineering
Office: CEME 2033
Email: adebar@civil.ubc.ca
Phone: 604-822-6820
Publications: Google Scholar
Dr. Perry Adebar, PEng, Professor of Structural Engineering is an expert in the design and evaluation of concrete structures, with a particular interest in the seismic design and evaluation of highrise concrete shear wall buildings. Dr. Adebar is chair of the Standing Committee on Earthquake Design (SC-ED), which writes the seismic design provisions in the National Building Code of Canada. He is also a member and vice-chair of Technical Committee CSA A23.3, which writes the Canadian Standard for the structural design of concrete buildings, is chair of the CSA A23.3 Sub-committee on seismic design, serves on the Board of Directors of the Structural Engineers Association of BC (SEABC), and contributes his structural engineering expertise to the Vancouver’s Heavy Urban Search and Rescue (HUSAR) Team – Canada Task Force 1. As a specialized engineering consultant, Dr. Adebar has been involved in a number of projects to design, evaluate and repair concrete structures. Dr. Adebar served as the Head of UBC Civil Engineering from 2014 to 2019, and as Associate Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science from 1999 to 2008. Professor Adebar received the APEGBC Teaching Award for Excellence in Engineering Education in 2015, the UBC Killam Teaching Prize in 2013, the Meritorious Achievement Award from APEGBC in 2004 and the ACI Structural Research Award in 1998.
Research Interests
Concrete structures: seismic design, high-rise buildings, shear design, evaluation and repair of structures.
CIVL 430 Design of Concrete Structures
CIVL 433 Advanced Concrete Design
CIVL 513 Concrete Structures