Dr. Loretta Li
Environmental Systems Engineering, Geo-Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering
Office: CEME 2027
Email: lli@civil.ubc.ca
Phone: 604-822-1820
Publications: Google Scholar
Dr. Loretta Li joined the Department of Civil Engineering in 1995. She has a strong background in fundamental and applied work on the spread, degradation and treatment of contaminants in water/soil/sediment and the natural environment. Dr. Li led and founded the UBC Cluster for Microplastics, Health and the Environment in 2021 with a group of outstanding researchers.
Dr. Li’s research has helped influence strategic planning efforts and key policy decisions on issues related to contaminated sites and contamination by per- and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs), as well as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). She has worked with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Stockholm Convention, Environment Canada, Health Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and the BC Ministry of Environment in addressing these chemicals of emerging concern.
In the past, Dr. Li has served as a project engineer and as a junior structural engineer, and worked with a number of professional societies and associations. She has made significant technical contributions to her profession. Her findings on metals dispersion and distributions along highway were used by the B.C. Ministry of Transportation (MOT) and Infrastructure. Her research has also been used extensively in environmental assessments along the Sea-to-Sky, Gateway, Okanagan Lake Bridge and Highway 37 Widening projects.
Dr. Li’s education includes a Ph.D. and a M.Sc. in Environmental Soil Science at Queen’s University and a M.Eng. in Geo-environmental Engineering at McGill University.
Research Interests
Emerging contaminants; Microplastics; Contaminant fate and transport; Environmental assessment; Stormwater, Mine leachate, Water-soil/sediment treatment; Sustainable remediation technology; Landfill and leachate management; Sewage-sludge/biosolid management; Waste-to-resources processes; Water distribution pipe corrosion control.
CIVL 408 Geo-environmental Engineering
CIVL 445 Civil Engineering Design Project I
CIVL 446 Civil Engineering Design Project II
CIVL 561 Risk and Remediation in Geo-Environment
Awards & Recognitions
- 2020, R.A. McLachlan Memorial Award, Engineers and Geoscientists BC
- 2013, Visit Fellowship, ESPR of Taiwan National Science Council
- 2009 – 2010, Killam Faculty Research Fellowship, University of British Columbia
- 2006, Geoenvironmental Award, Canadian Geotechnical Society
- 2006, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Invitation Fellowship, NSERC International Program
- 2002, Professor Invitation Fellowships for Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 1990-1993, ALCAN Fellowship, University of British Columbia
- 1991-1992, Graduate Award & Dean’s Award, Queen’s University
- 1990-1991, Graduate Fellowship & Dean’s Field Travel Grant Award, Queen’s University
- 1989-1990, Dean’s Award, Queen’s University
- 1985-1989, Graduate Award, Queen’s University
- 1986-1987, Graduate Fellowship, Ban Righ Award & Student Awards, Queen’s University
- 1978-1981, Hong Kong Chu Hai Scholarship & Distinguished Student Award
- Huang H, Mohamed BA, Li LY* Accumulation and fate of microplastics in soils after biosolids land applications: A review. Environmental Chemistry Letters ECLE-D-22-01029. Accepted January 6, 2023.
- Behroozian S*; Zlosnik JEA; Xu W; Li LY; Davies JE*. Antibacterial Activity of a Natural Clay Mineral against Burkholderia cepacia Complex and Other Bacterial Pathogens Isolated from People with Cystic Fibrosis. Microorganisms 2023, 11, 150.
- Huang C, Mohamed BA, Li LY*, Comparative life-cycle energy and environmental analysis of sewage sludge and biomass co-pyrolysis for biofuel and biochar production. Chemical Engineering Journal 457 (2023) 141284.
- Mohamed BA, Huang C, Mok N, Swei O, Johnston C, Li LY*, A comparative life cycle assessment and cost analysis of biofilters amended with sludge based activated carbon and commercial activated carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 445 (2023) 130632.
- Mohd Nasir AS, Mohamed BA, Li LY*, Comparative life cycle assessment of co-pyrolysing sewage sludge and wastewater-grown microalgae for biofuel production. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. Volume 190, March 2023, 106780.
- Montoya-Bautista CV, Mohamed BA, Li LY*, Sludge-based activated carbon from two municipal sewage sludge precursors for improved secondary wastewater-treatment discharge-effluent. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (2022) 108704.
- Zhuang Z, Mohamed BA, Li LY, Swei O*. An economic and global warming impact assessment of common sewage sludge treatment processes in North America. Journal of Cleaner Production. 370 (2022) 133539.
- Mohamed BA*, Li LY, Biofuel production by co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and other materials: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 1-30. September 05,2022. Environ Chem Lett (2022).
- Stang C; Li LY*, Mohamed BA; Microplastic removal from urban stormwater: Current treatments and research gaps. Journal of Environmental Management 317 (2022) 115510.
- Nicomel NR, Li LY*, Laing GD, Biosolids-based activated carbon for enhanced copper removal from citric-acid-rich aqueous media. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-14, 31 May 2022.
- Nicomel NR, Li LY*, Mohamed BA; Ramim SS, Adsorption of p-benzoquinone at low concentrations from aqueous media using biosolid-based activated carbon. Journal of Environmental Management. 316 (2022) 115263.
- Abida O, Van der Graaf F, Li LY*, Exploratory study of removing nutrients from aqueous environments employing a green synthesised nano zero-valent iron. Environmental Technology. 43(13):2017-2032 (2022).
- Mohamed BA, Li LY*, Hamid H, Jeronimo M, Sludge-based activated carbon and its application in the removal of perfluoroalkyl substances: a feasible approach towards a circular economy. Chemosphere 294 (2022) 133707.
- Huang C, Mohamed BA, Li LY*, Comparative life-cycle assessment of pyrolysis processes for producing bio-oil, biochar, and activated carbon from sewage sludge. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 181 (2022) 106273.
- Mohamed BA, Liu Z, Bi X*, Li LY, Co-production of phenolic-rich bio-oil and magnetic biochar for phosphate removal via bauxite-residue-catalysed microwave pyrolysis of switchgrass. Journal of Cleaner Production, 333 (2022) 130090.
- Mohamed, B.A., Bi, X., Li, L.Y., Leng L, Abdelghany A, “Bauxite residue as a catalyst for microwave-assisted pyrolysis of switchgrass to high quality bio-oil and biochar.”, Chemical Engineering Journal vol. 426, p.131294, 2021.
- Hung, A., Li LY, Swei, O. “Evaluation of Permeable Highway Pavements via an Integrated Life-Cycle Model.”, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 314, p. 128043, 2021.
- Hedayati M, Abida, O, Li, L.Y., “Adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using surfactant-modified clinoptilolites for improved treatment of landfill leachate.”, Waste Management. vol. 131, p.503-512, 2021.
- Abida, O, Van der Graaf, F., Li, L.Y., “Exploratory study of removing nutrients from aqueous environments employing a green synthesised nano zero-valent iron.”, Environmental Technology. 2020.
- H. Hamid, Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Aerobic biotransformation of fluorotelomer compounds in landfill leachate-sediment”, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 713, p. 136547, 2020.
- S. Behroozian, Svensson, S. L., Li, L. Y., and Davies, J. E., “Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activity of a Natural Clay Mineral from British Columbia, Canada”, mBio, vol. 11, no. 5, 2020.
- M. Saeedi, Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Effect of co-existing heavy metals and natural organic matter on sorption/desorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil: a review.”, Pollution, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1-24, 2020.
- H. Hamid, Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Effect of substrate concentrations on aerobic biotransformation of 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate (6:2 FTS) in landfill leachate”, Chemosphere, vol. 261, p. 128108, 2020.
- O. Abida, Van der Graaf, F., and Li, L. Y., “Exploratory study of removing nutrients from aqueous environments employing a green synthesised nano zero-valent iron”, Environmental Technology, pp. 1 – 16, 2020.
- H. Hamid, Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Exploring indirect photolysis of 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate in landfill leachate under simulated sunlight: effect of humic acid and nitrate”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 9508 – 9516, 2020.
- S. Kay Teoh and Li, L. Y., “Feasibility of alternative sewage sludge treatment methods from a lifecycle assessment (LCA) perspective”, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 247, p. 119495, 2020.
- H. Hamid, Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Formation of perfluorocarboxylic acids from 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate (6:2 FTS) in landfill leachate: Role of microbial communities”, Environmental Pollution, vol. 259, p. 113835, 2020.
- M. S. Hedayati and Li, L. Y., “Removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from aqueous media using modified clinoptilolite”, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 273, p. 111113, 2020.
- L. Y. Li, Zhang, H., Gorgy, T., and Grace, J. R., “Effect of polybrominated diphenyl ethers on sand-bentonite liner material. ”, Waste Management, vol. 89, pp. 73-82, 2019.
- M. Saeedi, Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Simultaneous removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals from natural soil by combined non-ionic surfactants and EDTA as extracting reagents: laboratory column tests.”, Journal of Environmental Management, 2019.
- L. Y. Li, Gong, X., and Abida, O., “Sustainable waste-activated-sludge management: thermal-chemical process waste-to-resources for metals removal in the environment. ”, Waste Management, vol. 87, pp. 375-386, 2019.
- K. Björklund and Li, L. Y., “Utvärdering av filtermaterial för att avlägsna lösta organiska föroreningar i dagvatten. Evaluation of filter materials for the removal of organic contaminants in stormwater.”, VATTEN-Journal of Water Management and Research , vol. 75, p. 2, 2019.
- M. Saeedi, Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Desorption and Mobility Mechanisms of Co-existing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metals in Clays and Clay Minerals”, Journal of Environmental Management, no. 214, pp. 204-214 , 2018.
- M. Saeedi, Li, L. Y., and , “Effect of organic matter and selected heavy metals on sorption of acenaphthene, fluorene and fluoranthene onto various clays and clay minerals”, Environmental Earth Sciences, no. 77, p. 305, 2018.
- C. Yue, Li, L. Y., and Johnston, C., “Exploratory study on modification of sludge-based activated carbon for nutrient removal from stormwater runoff”, Journal of Environmental Management, no. 226, pp. 37-45 , 2018.
- H. Hamid and Li, L. Y., “Fate of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in sewage sludge during microwave assisted-persulfate oxidation treatment”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 10126-10134 , 2018.
- H. Hamid, Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Review of fate and transformation of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl (PFAS) compounds in landfills”, Environmental Pollution, no. 35, pp. 74-84, 2018.
- K. Björklund and Li, L. Y., “Adsorption of organic stormwater pollutants onto activated carbon from sewage sludge”, Journal of Environmental Management, no. 197, pp. 490-497 , 2017.
- J. S. Chen, Li, L. Y., Lai, K. H., and Liang, C. P., “Analytical model for advective-dispersive transport involving flexible boundary inputs, initial distributions and zero-order productions”, Journal of Hydrology, no. 554, pp. 187-199, 2017.
- S. L. Svensson, Behroozian, S., Xu, W., Surette, M. G., Li, L. Y., and Davies, J., “Kisameet glacial clay: an unexpected source of bacterial diversity”, American Society for Microbiology, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. e00590-17 , 2017.
- K. Björklund and Li, L. Y., “Removal of organic contaminants in bioretention medium amended with activated carbon from sewage sludge”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 24, pp. 19167–19180, 2017.
- K. Björklund and Li, L. Y., “Sorption of organic pollutants frequently detected in stormwater: evaluation of five potential sorbents”, Environmental Technology, 2017.
- J. S. Chen, Liang, C. P., Liu, C. W., and Li, L. Y., “An analytical model for simulating two-dimensional multispecies plume migration”, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 20, pp. 733-753, 2016.
- L. Zhou and Li, L. Y., “Enhanced biohydrogen production from oat straw co-digested with cow dung/sewage sludge by combined aerobic and anaerobic fermentation”, Ecocycles, Scientific journal of the European Ecocyles Society, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 56-63, 2016.
- L. Zhou and Li, L. Y., “Novel fungal consortium pretreatment of waste oat straw to enhance economical and efficient biohydrogen production”, Ecocycles, Scientific journal of the European Ecocyles Society, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 36-42, 2016.
- M. Kim, Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Predictability of physicochemical properties of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) based on single-molecular descriptor models”, Environmental Pollution, vol. 213, pp. 99-111, 2016.
- M. Kim, Gorgy, T., Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Review of contamination of sewage sludge and amended soils by polybrominated diphenyl ethers based on meta-analysis”, Environmental Pollution, vol. 220, no. 2017, pp. 753-765, 2016.
- H. Hamid and Li, L. Y., “Role of wastewater treatment plant in environmental cycling of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances”, Ecocycles, Scientific journal of the European Ecocyles Society, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 43-53, 2016.
- K. Björklund and Li, L. Y., “Sorption of DOM and hydrophobic organic compounds onto sewage-based activated carbon.”, Water Science & Technology, vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 852-860, 2016.
- B. Li, Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Adsorption and hydraulic conductivity of landfill leachate perfluorinated compounds in bentonite barrier mixtures.”, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 156, pp. 236-243, 2015.
- M. Salmanzadeh, Saeedi, M., Li, L. Y., and Nabi-Bidhendi, G., “Characterization and metals fractionation in street dust samples from Tehran, Iran”, Int. J. Environ. Res, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 213-224, 2015.
- M. Kim, Li, L. Y., Grace, J. R., Benskin, J. P., and Ikonomou, M., “Compositional effects on leaching of stain-guarded (perfluorinated and polyfluoroalkyl substance-treated) carpet in landfill”, Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 6564-6573, 2015.
- K. Björklund and Li, L. Y., “Evaluation of low-cost materials for sorption of hydrophobic organic pollutants in stormwater”, Journal of Environmental Management , vol. 159, pp. 106-114, 2015.
- A. Jamshidi-Zanjani, Saeedi, M., and Li, L. Y., “A risk assessment index for bioavailability of metals in sediments: Anzali International Wetland case study”, Environ Earth Sci., vol. 73, pp. 2115-2126, 2015.
- M. Kim, Li, L. Y., Grace, J. R., and Yue, C., “Selecting Reliable Physicochemical Properties of Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) based on Molecular Descriptors”, Environmental Pollution, vol. 196, pp. 462-472, 2015.
- X. Lu, Zhang, X., Li, L. Y., and Chen, H., “Assessment of metals pollution and health risk in dust from nursery schools in Xi’an, China”, Environmental Research, vol. 128, pp. 27-34, 2014.
- X. Lu, Zhang, X., Li, L. Y., and Chen, H., “Assessment of metals pollution and health risk in dust from nursery schools in Xi’an, China”, Environmental Research, vol. 128, pp. 24-34, 2014.
- L. Wang, Lu, X., Li, L. Y., Ren, C., Luo, D., and Chen, J., “Content, speciation and pollution assessment of Cu, Pb and Zn in soil around the lead-zinc smelting plant of Baoji, NW China”, Environ Earth Sci., 2014.
- W. Xu, Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Dealumination of clinoptilolite and its effect on zinc removal from acid rock drainage”, Chemosphere, vol. 111, pp. 427-433, 2014.
- H. Chen, Lu, X., Li, L. Y., Gao, T., and Chang, Y., “Metal contamination in campus dust of Xi’an, China: A study based on multivariate statistics and spatial distribution”, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 484, pp. 27-35, 2014.
- H. Chen, Lu, X., and Li, L. Y., “Spatial distribution and risk assessment of metals in dust based on samples from nursery and primary schools of Xi’an, China”, Atmospheric Environment, vol. 88, pp. 172-182, 2014.
- W. Xu, Li, L. Y., Grace, J. R., and Hebrard, G., “Acid rock drainage treatment by clinoptilolite with slurry bubble column: Sustainable zinc removal with regenerated clinoptilolite”, Applied Clay Science, vol. 81, pp. 31-37, 2013.
- M. Saeedi, Li, L. Y., and A. Gharehtapeh, M., “Effect of Alternative Electrolytes on Enhanced Electrokinetic Remediation of Hexavalent Chromium in Clayey Soil”, International Journal of Environmental Research, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 39-50, 2013.
- C. Yue and Li, L. Y., “Filling the Gap: Estimating Physiochemical Properties of the Full Array of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)”, Environmental Pollution, vol. 180, pp. 312-323, 2013.
- T. Gorgy, Li, L. Y., Grace, J. R., and Ikonomou, M. G., “Mobility of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Biosolids-amended Soil”, Environmental Pollution, vol. 172, pp. 124-130, 2013.
- V. Vincenzino, Xu, W., Hebrard, G., Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Modelling of zinc adsorption onto clinoptilolite in a slurry bubble column”, Chemical Science Engineering, no. GLS 11 Special Issue, 2013.
- S. Liu, Ning, P., Zhu, N., Li, L. Y., and Gong, X., “Semicontinuous operation of one-stage autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion of sewage sludge: effects of retention time”, Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 139, pp. 422-427, 2013.
- M. Saeedi, Li, L. Y., Karbassi, A. R., and Zanjani, A. J., “Sorbed metals fractionation and risk assessment of release in river sediment and particulate matter”, Environmental Monitoring Assessment, vol. 185, no. 2, pp. 1737-1754, 2013.
- X. Chen, Lu, X., Li, L. Y., and Yang, G., “Spatial distribution and contamination assessment of heavy metals in urban topsoil from Xi’an second ringroad inside, NW China”, Environmental Earth Science, vol. 68, pp. 1979-1988, 2013.
- L. D. Walls, Li, L. Y., and Hall, K. J., “Trace metal contamination due to acid rock drainage and its impacts on the fish-bearing Pennask Creek watershed, British Columbia”, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 2013.
- L. D. Walls, Li, L. Y., and Hall, K. J., “Trace metal contamination due to acid rock drainage and its impacts on the fish-bearing Pennask Creek watershed, British Columbia”, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 2013.
- T. Morishita, Ohtsubo, M., Li, L. Y., and Higashi, T., “Effects of salt on the lead adsorption and migration in marine clays”, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering, vol. 78, no. 6, pp. 7-13, 2012.
- T. Gorgy, Li, L. Y., Grace, J. R., and Ikonomou, M. G., “An exploratory investigation on the mobility of Polybrominated Dipheny Ethers (PBDEs) in biosolids-amended soil”, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, vol. 223, pp. 2297-2309, 2012.
- M. Saeedi, Li, L. Y., and Salmanzadeh, M., “Heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: pollution and ecological risk assessment in street dust of Tehran”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 228, pp. 9-17, 2012.
- A. K. Mishra, Ohtsubo, M., Li, L. Y., and Higashi, T., “Influence of various factors on the difference in the liquid limit values determined by Casagrande’s and fall cone method”, Environmental Earth Science, vol. 65, pp. 21-27, 2012.
- B. Li, Danon-Schaffer, M., Li, L. Y., Ikonomou, M. G., and Grace, J. R., “Occurrence of PFCs and PBDEs in Landfill Leachates from Across Canada”, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, vol. 223, no. 6, pp. 3365-3372, 2012.
- S. Liu, Zhu, N., and Li, L. Y., “The one-stage autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion for sewage sludge treatment: Stabilization process and mechanism”, Bioresource Technology, vol. 104, pp. 266-273, 2012.
- S. Liu, Zhu, N., Ning, P., Li, L. Y., and Gong, X., “The one-stage autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion for sewage sludge treatment: Effects of temperature on stabilization process and sludge properties”, Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 197, pp. 223-230, 2012.
- J. P. Benskin, Ikonomou, M. G., Grace, J. R., and Li, L. Y., “Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in landfill leachate: Patterns, time-trends, sources”, Environmental Science and Technology , 2012.
- X. Lu, Li, L. Y., Wang, F., Wang, L., and Zhang, X., “Radioactivity of coal and ash from Xi’an coal-fired power plants of China”, Environmental Earth Science, vol. 66, pp. 1925-1932, 2012.
- W. Xu, Li, L. Y., and Grace, J. R., “Regeneration of natural Bear River clinoptilolite sorbents used to remove Zn from acid mine drainage in a slurry bubble column”, Applied Clay Science, vol. 55, pp. 83-87, 2012.
- K. P. Padmavathiamma and Li, L. Y., “Rhizosphere influence and seasonal impact on phytostabilisation of metals – a field study”, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, vol. 223, pp. 107-124, 2012
For a full list of my publications, visit my profile on: