Dr. Nemkumar Banthia
Structural Materials Engineering
Office: CEME 2024
Email: banthia@civil.ubc.ca
Phone: 604-822-9541
Publications: Google Scholar
Nemkumar (Nemy) Banthia is a University Killam Professor at The University of British Columbia. His primary area of research is in Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure with emphasis on nano-modified fiber reinforced composites, ultra-high performance concrete materials, waste recycling, fracture analysis, earthquake strengthening and sensor based structural health monitoring. He also spearheaded the India-Canada Centre for Innovative Multidisciplinary Partnerships to Accelerate Community Transformation and Sustainability (IC-IMPACTS)—a Research Centre of Excellence—as its Scientific Director and CEO.
A mentor to many, Dr. Banthia has graduated over 75 doctoral and post-doctoral students. He holds 9 patents, has published over 525 refereed papers, and has edited more than 20 volumes. He serves on the Editorial Boards of six international journals and is the Editor-in-Chief of the J. of Cement and Concrete Composites— a journal with a 2022 Impact Factor of 10.5 (with a 2023 CiteScore of 18.6). This is the Journal with the highest impact factor in the field.
His awards include the Wason Medal of American Concrete Institute, Solutions Through Research Award of the BC Innovation Council, Wolfson Merit Award of the Royal Society of the UK, Killam Research Prize from the Killam Foundation, Horst Leipholz Medal of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Mufti Medal of Excellence of the International Society for Health Monitoring of Infrastructure, Leadership in Science and Technology Award of the Drishti Foundation, Industry Marvel Award of the Darpan Society and Global Citizenship Award of alumni-UBC. In 2018, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology recognized him with Excellence in Technology and Innovation Award. In 2020, IIT-Delhi recognized him with a Distinguished Alumni Award for Contributions to Teaching and Research. More recently, in March 2022, Dr. Banthia received the Jacob Biely Faculty Research Prize which is regarded as UBC’s premier award for research across all disciplines. More recently, Dr. Banthia received the Dean’s Medal of Distinction from the Faculty of Applied Science, UBC. In 2023, UBC appointed Dr. Banthia as the University Killam Professor, which is the highest honor UBC can confer on a member of its faculty. In its 110 year history, UBC has appointed only 27 University Killam Professors. In April 2024, the BC Achievement Foundation announced Dr. Banthia as the 2024 Community Award recipient. The award honours British Columbians who devote their time and energy to making their communities more caring, dynamic, beautiful, resilient, and inclusive.
Dr. Banthia is a fellow of the American Concrete Institute, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Indian Concrete Institute, Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), and the Royal Society of Canada. He is one of Top 25 ‘Most Cited in the field of Construction & Building Materials’ as per Platinum H- Index.
Research Interests
Materials science, concrete; FRPs, shotcrete, fiber composites, 3D printing, carbon-neutrality, rehabilitation, sensors, self-healing materials, biomimicry
CIVL 529 Learning in Civil Engineering Materials
Awards & Recognitions
- 2023, University Killam Professor
- 2024, BC Achievement Foundation – 2024 Community Award (given by Lt. Governor of BC)
- 2022, Dean’s Medal of Distinction, Faculty of Applied Science, University of British Columbia
- 2022, Jacob Biely Faculty Research Prize, University of British Columbia
- 2020, Special Award for Strengthening Canada-India Bond through Science, Drishti Awards Gala
- 2020, Elected Fellow, Indian Academy of Engineering
- 2020, Alumni Distinguished Award for Contributions to Teaching and Research, IIT-Delhi
- 2019, Best Paper Award, 9th International Conference on Concrete Under Severe Conditions
- 2019, Finalist, 2019 Katerva Awards in the Materials, Resources and Water Category for a Sustainable Innovation
- 2019, Excellence in Technology and Innovation Award, VNIT Alumni Awards
- 2018, Discovery Accelerator Supplement, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
- 2018, Recognition of service to the concrete industry and to the India Chapter of ACI, 3rd Raikar Memorial International Conference & Gettu-Kodur International Symposium
- 2018, Global Citizenship Award, Alumni UBC 2018 Achievement Awards
- 2017, Global Nagpur Awards in Science and Technology, Global Nagpur Summit
- 2017, Industry Marvel Award, DARPAN Magazine
- 2017, World CSR Excellence Award, Global CSR Foundation
- 2015, Drishti Award for Innovations in Science and Technology, Drishti Magazine
- 2015, Special Commemorative Conference organized by American Concrete Institute to honor N. Banthia
- 2015, Best Paper Award, International Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring
- 2013, Aftab Mufti Medal, International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure
- 2008-2012, Discovery Accelerator Supplement, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
- 2012, Horst Leipholz Medal, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
- 2012, Killam Faculty Research Prize, University of British Columbia
- 2011, Elected Fellow, Royal Society of Canada
- 2011, Wolfson Merit Award, Royal Society of the United Kingdom
- 2008, Finalist for UBC President’s Award for Public Education through Media, University of British Columbia
- 2007, Special Session organized to honor of N. Banthia, International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies
- 2006, Appointed Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Infrastructure Rehabilitation & Sustainability, Government of Canada
- 2006, Elected Fellow, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
- 2004, Distinguished Researcher Award, Seoul National University and Korean Concrete Institute
- 2004, Elected Fellow, Indian Concrete Institute
- 2004, Faculty Recognition Award, UBC Engineering Co-op Program
- 2004, British Columbia’s Top 25 Innovators, Business in BC Magazine,
- 2004, Elected Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering
- 2003, Solutions through Research Award, Innovation & Science Council of BC
- 2003, Appointed Distinguished University Scholar, University of British Columbia
- 2003, Elected Fellow, American Concrete Institute
- 2002, Frontiers in Science Award, BC Science Council
- 2001, Structural Engineering Research Award, American Concrete Institute
- 2001, Earth Science Systems Research Award, American Society of Civil Engineers’ Ninth International Conference on Structural Faults and Repairs
- 2001, Nominated for Synergy Award, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
- 2000, Best Paper Award, ASCE’s Journal of Composites in Construction
- 1998-1999, Visiting Foreign Specialist Award, Science and Technology Agency Japan
- 1997, Wason Medal for Meritorious Materials Research, American Concrete Institute International
- 1996-1997, Visiting Fellowship, Science and Technology Agency Japan
- 1993-1994, Research Award for Foreign Specialists, Hokkaido Development Bureau Japan
- Shi, C., Wu, Z., Banthia, N. Ultra-High Performance Concrete: Design, Performance, and Application. CRC Press. February, 2024 508 pp.
- Banthia, N., Soleimani-Dashtaki, S., Mindess, S., (Eds), Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 1st Interdisciplinary Symposium on Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure (ISSSI 2023)., Vancouver, Canada, September 4-8, 2024.
- Banthia, N., Takewaka, K., Miao, C., Hamada, H. (Eds), Proceedings of ConMat’20, Advances in Construction Materials, Fukuoka, Japan, August 27-19, 2020.
- Niu, G., Liu, C., Jia, L., Ma, L., Banthia, N., Zhang, Y. 2024. Preparation and Performance Analysis of 3D Printed Lightweight EPS Concrete: Insights From the Excess Paste Theory. Cement and Concrete Composites. Volume 149. May 2024. 105509.
- He, B., Onuaguluchi, O., Banthia, N., et al. 2024. Failure Mechanism of Steel Fiber Pullout in UHPC Affected By Alternating Cryogenic and Elevated Variation. Cement and Concrete Composites. 149. May 2024. 105518.
- Onuaguluchi, O., Banthia, N. 2024. Sludge-Derived Biochar as an Additive in Cement Mortar: Mechanical Strength and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Construction and Building Materials. 425. March 2024. 135959.
- Yoo, D.Y., Banthia, N., You, I., Lee, S.J. 2024. Recent Advances in Cementless Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Using Alkali-Activated Materials and Industrial Byproducts: A Review. Cement and Concrete Composites. Vol. 148. April 2024. 105470.
- Zhang, Z., Jia, Z., Shi, J., Xiong, Y., Banthia, N., Zhang, Y. 2024. Understanding the Dynamic Rheological Property of Cement Paste Blended with Steel Slag Powder: From Interparticle Force and Physico-Chemical Parameters of View. Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 422. April 2024. 135826.
- Wang, X., Banthia, N., Yoo, D.Y. Reinforcement Bond Performance in 3D Concrete Printing: Explainable Ensemble Learning Augmented by Deep Generative Adversarial Networks. Automation in Concrete. Vol. 158. February 2024. 105164.
- Yoo, D.Y., Banthia, N., Yoon, Y.S. 2023. Recent Development of Innovative Steel Fibers for Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC): A Critical Review. Cement and Concrete Composites. 145. January 2924. 105359.
- Yoo, D.Y., Soleimani-Dashtaki, S., Oh, T., Banthia, N., Yoo, Y.S. 2024. Strain-Hardening Effect on the Flexural Behavior of Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beams with Steel Rebars. Developments in the Built Environment. Vol. 17. January 2024. 100343.
- Oh, T., Chun, B., Lee, S.K., Kim, G. W., Banthia, N., Yoo, D. Y. 2023. Effect of High-Volume Substituted Nanosilica on the Hydration and Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC). Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. 175. January 2024. 107379.
- Piao, R., Oh, T., Banthia, N., Yoo, D.Y. 2023. Enhanced Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cementless Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Alkali-Activated Concrete With Silicon Dioxide Nanoparticles. Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 398. September 2023. 132514.
- Farooq M, Azhari F, Banthia N. 2023. Low-cost Photoelectric Sensors for Wireless Monitoring of Bridge Scour and Sediment Deposition – Laboratory Investigation and Field Validation. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. September 2023. DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2023.2261434.
- Cao, R., Zhang, S., Jia, Z., Chen, C., Zhang, Z., Banthia, N., Zhang, Y. 2023. Influence of Ferronickel Slag on the Reaction Kinetics and Microstructure of Alkali-Activated Slag. Cement and Concrete Composites. September 2023, Vol. 142: 105173.
- Kim, G. W., Oh, T., Lee, S. K., Lee, S. W., Banthia, N., Yu, E., Yoo, D. Y. Hybrid Reinforcement of Steel-Polyethylene Fibers in Cementless Ultra-High Performance Alkali-Activated Concrete with Various Silica Sand Dosages. Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 394. August 2023. 132213.
- Du, J., Mahjoubi, S., Bao, Y., Banthia, N., Meng, W. 2023. Modeling Mixing Kinetics for Large-Scale Production of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete: Effects of Temperature, Volume, and Mixing Method. Construction and Building Materials. 397. July 2023.132439.
- Chun, B., Oh, T., Choi, H.J., Lee, S. K., Banthia, N., Yoo, D. Y. 2023. Self-Healing Capacity of Ultra-Rapid-Hardening Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composites under Tension. Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 385. July 2023. 131464.
- Jain, S., Roy, S., Banthia, N., Troczynski, T. 2023. Kinetics of In-Situ Pollucite Crystallization in Relation to Cesium Immobilization in the Fly Ash-Based Geopolymers. Material Science. Vol. 58. June 2023. pp. 9908–9922. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-023-08653-7.
- Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Banthia, N. 2023. Unveiling Pore Formation and its Influence on Micromechanical Property and Stress Distribution of 3D Printed Foam Concrete Modified with HPMC and Silica Fume. J of Additive Manufacturing. 71. June 2023. 103606.
- Lee, S. K., Oh, T., Banthia, N., Yoo, D. Y. Optimization of Fiber Aspect Ratio for 90 MPa Strain-Hardening Geopolymer Composites (SHGC) with a Tensile Strain Capacity Over 7.5%. Cement and Concrete Composites. Vol. 139. May 2023. 105055.
- Zhang, Z., Jia, Z., Shi, J., Banthia, N., Zhang, Y. 2023. Clarifying and Quantifying the Driving Force for the Evolution of Static Yield Stress of Cement Pastes. Cement and Concrete Research. 167. May 2023. 107129.
- Farooq M, Azhari F, Banthia N. 2023. A State-of-the-Art Review of Active-Thermometry Techniques for Bridge and Pipeline Scour Monitoring, and Exploratory Passive Thermometry Studies. Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance. April 2023. https://doi.org/10.1080/24705314.2023.2165471.
- Oh, T., Chun, B., Jang, Y.S., Yeon, J.H., Banthia, N., Yoo, D.Y. 2023. Effect of Nano-SiO2 On Fiber–Matrix Bond in Ultra-High-Performance Concrete as Partial Substitution of Silica Flour. Cement and Concrete Composites. Vol. 138. April 2023. 104957.
- Oh, T., Kim, M. J., Banthia, N., Yoo, D. Y. 2023. Influence of Curing Conditions on Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Ultra-High-Performance Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites with Strain Capacity up to 7.3%. Developments in the Built Environment. 14. March 2023.100150.
- He, B., Zhang, H., Onuaguluchi, O., Banthia, N., Jiang, Z., et al. 2023. Thermal-Dependent Brittleness Effect of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Exposed to Cryogenic Flexural Loads by Acoustic Emission Evaluation. Cement and Concrete Composites. 139. March 2023, 105056.
- Kim, G.W., Oh, T., Lee, S.K., Banthia, N., Yoo, D.Y. Development of Ca-rich Slag-Based Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete (UHP-FRGC): Effect of Sand-to-Binder Ratio. Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 370. March 2023. 130630.
- Jain, S., Banthia, N., Troczynski, T. 2022. Conditioning of Simulated Cesium Radionuclides in NaOH-Activated Fly Ash-Based Geopolymers. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 380. Part 1. 20 December 2022. 134984.
- Farooq M, Azhari F, Banthia N. 2022. Robust Capacitance Sensors for Wireless Bridge Scour Monitoring. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. November 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13349-022-00649-2
- Liu, C., Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., Banthia, N., Zhang, Y. 2022. Study of the Influence of Sand on Rheological Properties, Bubble Features and Buildability of Fresh Foamed Concrete for 3D Printing. Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 356. October 2022. 129292.
- Jain, S., Banthia, N., Troczynski, T. 2022. Leaching of Immobilized Cesium from NaOH-Activated Fly Ash-Based Geopolymers. Cement and Concrete Composites. 133. October 2022. 104679.
- Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Xie, Y., Zhang, Z., Banthia, N. 2022. Unraveling Pore Structure Alternations in 3D-Printed Geopolymer Concrete and Corresponding Impacts on Macro-Properties. Additive Manufacturing. Vol. 59. 9 September 2022. 103137.
- Zhang, H., Wu, Z, Zhang, Y., Banthia, N., Shi, C. 2022. Design, production, and properties of high-strength high-ductility cementitious composite (HSHDCC): A review. Composites Part B: Engineering. Vol. 247. 29 August 2022. 110258.
- Yoo, D.Y., Oh, T., Banthia, N. 2022. Nanomaterials in Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) – A review. Cement and Concrete Composites. 134. 27 August 2022. 104730.
- Jang, Y.S., Oh, T., Banthia, N., Yoo, D. Y., Effects of Nano-SiO2 Coating and Induced Corrosion of Steel Fiber on the Interfacial Bond and Tensile Properties of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC). Journal of Building Engineering. Vol. 54. 15 August 2022. 104637
- Liu, C., Chen, Y., Xiong, Y., Jia, L., Ma, L., Wang, X., Chen C., Banthia, N., Zhang, Y. 2022. Influence of HPMC and SF on buildability of 3D printing foam concrete: from water state and flocculation point of view. Composites Part B. 242. August 2022. 110075.
- Cao, R., Zhang, Z.,Zhang, Y., Banthia, N. 2022. Relaxation Characteristics and State Evolution of Water during the Early-Age Reaction of Alkali-Activated Slag as Monitored by Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Composites Part B. Vol. 242. August 2022, 110025.
- Oh, T., Chun, B., Lee, S.K., Lee, W., Banthia, N., Yoo, D. Y. Substitutive Effect of Nano-SiO2 for Silica Fume in Ultra-High-Performance Concrete on Fiber Pull-Out Behavior. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 20. 12 August 2022. 1993-2007.
- Yoo, D.Y., Jang, Y.S, Oh, T., Banthia, N. 2022. Use of Engineered Steel Fibers as Reinforcements in Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Considering Corrosion Effect. Cement and Concrete Composites. 133. 21 July 2022. 104692.
- Zhang, S., Jia, L., Xiong, Y., Cao, R., Zhang, Y., Banthia, N. 2021. Wave Amplitude of Embedded Ultrasonic Transducer-Based Damage Monitoring of Concrete due to Steel Bar Corrosion. Structural Health Monitoring. Vol. 21, Issue 4. July 2022.
- Yoo, D. Y., Lee, Y., Banthia, N., Zi, G. 2022. Utilization of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Glass Waste in Concrete: A Review. Cement and Concrete Composites. Vol. 130. July 2022. 104542.
- Wang, X., Jia, L., Banthia, N., Zhang, Y. 2022. Optimization of 3D Printing Concrete With Coarse Aggregate Via Proper Mix Design And Printing Process. Journal of Building Engineering. 56. June 2022. 104745.
- Chen, Y., Jia, L., Banthia, N., Zhang, Y. et al. 2022. Mechanical Anisotropy Evolution of 3D-Printed Alkali-Activated Materials with Different GGBFS/FA Combinations. Journal of Building Engineering. Vol. 50. June 2022. 104126.
- Onuaguluchi, O., Ratu, R., Banthia, N., 2022. Effect of Sodium Sulfate Activation on the Early-Age Matrix Strength and Steel Fiber Bond in High Volume Fly Ash (HVFA) Cement Mortar. Construction and Building Materials. 341. May 2022. 127808.
- Zhang, C., Wu, Z., Luo, C., Shi, C., Banthia, N., 2021. Size Effect of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Under Compression: Effects Of Steel Fiber Characteristics And Water-To-Binder Ratio. Construction and Building Materials. 330. May 2022. 127170.
- Liu, C., Xiong, Y., Chen, Y., Jia, L., Ma, L., Deng, Z., Wang, Z., Chen, C., Banthia, N., Zhang, Y. 2022. Effect of sulphoaluminate cement on fresh and hardened properties of 3D printing foamed concrete. Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 232. March 2022. 109619.
- Onuaguluchi, O., Banthia, N. 2022. Sulfate resistance of cement composites containing Nano-Fibrillated Cellulose (NFC). Cement and Concrete Composites. Vol. 135. March 2023. 104831.
- Onuaguluchi, O., Banthia, N. 2022. The Influence of CaCl2-Blended Acrylic Polymer on Steel Rebar Corrosion and Acid Attack Resistance of Mortar. Vol. 3. March 2022. Pp 160-177.
- Farooq, M., Krishna, A., Banthia, N. 2021. Highly Ductile Fiber Reinforced Geopolymers under Tensile Impact. Construction and Building Materials. 126, February 2022, 104374
- Sukontasukkul, P., Banthia, N. 2021. Effect of Synthetic Microfiber and Viscosity Modifier Agent on Layer Deformation, Viscosity, and Open time of Cement Mortar for 3D Printing Application. Construction and Building Materials. 319. February 2022. 126111.
- Yoo, D.Y., Banthia, N. 2022. High Strength Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites with Tensile Strain Capacity Exceeding 4%: A Review. Cement and Concrete Composites. Volume 125. January 2022. 104325.
- Farooq, M., Banthia, N. 2021. Strain-Hardening Fiber Reinforced Polymer Concrete with a Low Carbon Footprint. Construction and Building Materials. 314. January 2022. 125705.
- Soleimani, S.M., Roudsari, S.S., Banthia, N., Alaqqad, A.R., Mohammad, N., Jumaah, A. 2021. Analytical and Experimental Study of Using Recycled Tire Products in Pavement-Grade Concrete Suited for Hot Weather Climates. Construction and Building Materials. 312, December 2021, 125343.
- Yoo, D.Y., Oh, T., Shin, W., Kim, S., Banthia, N. 2021. Tensile Behavior of Crack-Repaired Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Under Corrosive Environment. Materials Research and Technology. 15. December 2021. 6813-6827.
- Yoo, D.Y., Shin, W., Banthia, N. 2021. Corrosion of Partially and Fully Debonded Steel Fibers from Ultra-High-Performance Concrete and its Influence on Pullout Resistance. Cement and Concrete Composites. 124, November 2021, 104269
- Onuaguluchi, O., Banthia, N., Gourlay, K., Minhas, G. 2021. Moisture transport and steel rebar corrosion in repair composites incorporating Nano-Fibrillated Cellulose (NFC). Construction and Building Materials. November 2021. 125154
- Banthia N., Onuaguluchi, O., 2021. Recycling Scrap Tire-Derived Fibers in Concrete. Transactions of Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE). August 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s41403-021-00257-4.
- Liu, C., Wanga,X., Chena, Y., Zhang, C., Ma, L., Deng, Z., Chen, C., Zhang, Y., Pan, J., Banthia, N. 2021. Influence of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose and Silica Fume on Stability, Rheological Properties, and Printability of 3D Printing Foam Concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites. Vol. 122 August 2021. 104158.
- J. Kim, Yoo, D. Y., and Banthia, N., “Benefits of Curvilinear Straight Steel Fibres on The Rate-Dependent Pullout Resistance of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete”, Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 118, 2021.
- T. Oh, You, I., Yoo, D. Y., and Banthia, N., “Deposition of Nanosilica on Fiber Surface for Improving Interfacial Bond and Tensile Performances of Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete”, Composites Part B, vol. 221, 2021.
- P. Chindaprasirt, Sukontasukkul, P., Techaphatthanakon, A., Yoo, D. Y., and Banthia, N., “Effect of Graphene Oxide on Single Fiber Pullout Behavior”, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 280, 2021.
- A. Choudhary, Onuaguluchi, O., and Banthia, N., “Exogenous Healing in Concrete with pH-Sustained Internal Carbonation”, Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 123, 2021.
- C. Zhang, Nerella, V. N., Krishna, A., Mechtcherine, V., and Banthia, N., “Mix design concepts for 3D printable concrete: A review”, Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 122, 2021.
- D. Y. Yoo, Banthia, N., and Chun, B., “Achieving slip-hardening behavior of sanded straight steel fibers in ultra-high-performance concrete”, Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 113, 2020.
- O. Onuaguluchi and Banthia, N., “Alkali-silica reaction resistance of cementitious material containing CaCl2-blended acrylic polymer emulsion”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 32, no. 3, 2020.
- D. Y. Yoo, Shin, W., Chun, B., and Banthia, N., “Assessment of Steel Fiber Corrosion in Self-Healed Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete and its Effect on Tensile Performance”, Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 113, 2020.
- M. Farooq and Banthia, N., “Bond-Slip Mechanisms of FRP Fibers Embedded in Cementitious Matrix”, ACI Materials Journal, vol. 118, no. 1, 2020.
- P. Sukontasukkul, Chindaprasirt, P., Pongsopha, P., Phoo-Ngernkham, T., Tangchirapat, W., and Banthia, N., “Effect of Fly Ash/Silica Fume Ratio and Curing Condition on Mechanical Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Geopolymer”, Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, vol. 9, no. 4, 2020.
- C. Qian, Banthia, N., Yang, Z., and Jiang, Z., “Experimental Investigation on Distribution of Temperature Field in Hardened Cement Paste at Cryogenic Temperatures”, in 7th International Colloquium on Performance, Protections & Strengthening of Structures, Under Extreme Loading & Events (Protect 2019), 2020.
- B. Huo, Li, B., Huang, S., Chen, C., Zhang, Y., and Banthia, N., “Hydration and Soundness Properties of Phosphoric Acid Modified Steel Slag Powder”, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 254, 2020.
- Y. Zhang, Cao, R., Zhang, S., Banthia, N., and Zhang, Z., “Interpreting the Early-age Reaction Process of Alkali-activated Slag by Using Combined Embedded Ultrasonic Measurement, Thermal analysis, XRD, FTIR and SEM”, Composites, Part B: Engineering, vol. 186, 2020.
- R. Cao, Jia, Z., Zhang, Y., and Banthia, N., “Leaching Kinetics and Reactivity Evaluation of Ferronickel Slag in Alkaline Conditions”, Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 113, 2020.
- K. Tamanna, Tiznobaik, M., Banthia, N., and Shahria, A. M., “Mechanical Properties of Rubberized Concrete Containing Recycled Concrete Aggregate”, American Concrete Institute Materials Journal, vol. 117, no. 2, 2020.
- S. Soleimani-Dashtaki, Ventura, V., Banthia, N., Hosseini, M., Soleimani, S., and White, T., “Out-of-Plane Behavior of URM Walls Sprayed with Ecofriendly Ductile Cementitious Composite (EDCC)”, in 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), 2020.
- N. Banthia, Takewaka, K., Miao, C., and Hamada, H., Proceedings of ConMat’20: Advances in Construction Materials. Fukuoka, Japan, 2020.
- B. Goffin, Banthia, N., and Yonemitsu, N., “Use of Infrared Thermal Imaging to Detect Corrosion of Epoxy Coated and Uncoated Rebar in Concrete”, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 263, 2020.
- Q. Wang, Banthia, N., Sun, W., and Gu, C., “Water Permeability of Eco-Friendly Fiber Reinforced Ductile Cementitious Composites (EDCC) under an Applied Compressive Stress”, Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 107, 2020.
- N. Roghanian and Banthia, N., “Development of a sustainable coating and repair material to prevent bio-corrosion in concrete sewer and waste-water pipes”, Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 100, pp. 99 – 107, 2019.
- B. Maho, Sukontasukkul, P., Jamnam, S., Yamaguchi, E., Fujikake, K., and Banthia, N., “Effect of rubber insertion on impact behavior of multilayer steel fiber reinforced concrete bulletproof panel”, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 216, pp. 476 – 484, 2019.
- N. Roghanian and Banthia, N., “Evaluation of Geopolymer Coatings for Rehabilitation of Deteriorated Concrete Sewage Pipes”, in CONSEC 2019: 9th International Conference on Concrete Under Severe Conditions – Environment & Loading, 2019.
- D. Y. Yoo, Banthia, N., Fujikake, K., Kim, Y. H., and Gupta, R., “Fiber-Reinforced Cement Composites: Mechanical Properties and Structural Implications 2019”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2019, 2019.