Dr. Reza Vaziri
Structural & Earthquake Engineering, Structural Materials Engineering
Office: CEME 2028
Email: reza.vaziri@ubc.ca
Phone: 604-822-2800
Publications: Google Scholar
Dr. Reza Vaziri is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, and served as Department Head from 2008 to 2014. He obtained his B.Sc. from the University of London, England (1982), and his M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of British Columbia (1985 and 1989), specializing in mechanics of fibre reinforced composite materials. Dr. Vaziri’s research is focused on the development of analytical and numerical modelling techniques to simulate the manufacturing process of composite structures as well as their fracture and damage behaviour under service loads including high intensity impact and crash loadings.
Research Interests
Finite element analysis; Mechanics of composite materials; Constitutive modeling of engineering materials, Plasticity, Damage mechanics; Process modeling of composite structures; Analysis of impact and blast loading of metallic and composite structures.
CIVL 230 Solid Mechanics
CIVL 537 Computational Mechanics I
CIVL 538 Computational Mechanics II
Awards & Recognitions
- 2007-2008, Teaching Award, Civil Engineering Undergraduate Students
- 2005-2006, Teaching Award, Civil Engineering Undergraduate Students
- 2003-2004, Teaching Award, Civil Engineering Undergraduate Students
Student Research Opportunities
Please apply directly to careers@composites.ubc.ca if you meet the qualifications below, citing Job Reference: DOCTORAL2015 in the subject line.
Job Description: The Composites Group is seeking to fill one or more research assistant positions (graduate student at the Ph.D. level) in the areas of numerical simulation (computational modelling) of processing and/or damage and fracture of composite materials and structures.
Qualifications: The candidate must hold a M.Sc. degree in engineering (preferably in Civil, Mechanical, Structural or Aerospace Engineering) and must have a strong background in applied mechanics and finite element modelling (computation and program development). Consideration will also be given to candidates who have a B.Sc. degree in the same areas provided that they have a proven record of relevant academic background or practical experience. The candidate must be able to work in a team since he/she will interact closely with several members of a multi-disciplinary research group. The ideal candidate would be skilled in some or all of the following areas:
- Finite element modelling or other numerical methods for solving boundary value problems in solid and fluid mechanics.
- Proficiency in a programming language (Python, C, C++, Visual Basic, Fortran) would be an asset.
- Understanding the mechanics of composite materials and the physical/chemical phenomena involved in their manufacturing.
- Knowledge in constitutive modelling of materials (viscoelasticity, plasticity, damage mechanics).
- Ability to write technical reports and to communicate effectively in professional and technical meetings.
- S. Malek, Nadot-Martin, C., Tressou, B., Dai, C., and Vaziri, R., “Micromechanical Modelling of Effective Elastic and Viscoelastic Properties of Strand-Based Composites using the “Morphological Approach””, ASCE J. Engineering Mechanics, In Press.
- E. Zappino, Zobeiry, N., Petrolo, M., Vaziri, R., Carrera, E., and Poursartip, A., “Analysis of process-induced deformations and residual stresses in curved composite parts considering transverse shear stress and thickness stretching”, Composite Structures, vol. 241, p. 112057, 2020.
- M. H. Nagaraj, Reiner, J., Vaziri, R., Carrera, E., and Petrolo, M., “Progressive damage analysis of composite structures using higher-order layer-wise elements”, Composites Part B: Engineering, vol. 190, p. 107921, 2020.
- N. Zobeiry, Reiner, J., and Vaziri, R., “Theory-guided machine learning for damage characterization of composites”, Composite Structures, vol. 246, p. 112407, 2020.
- R. T. Faal, Sourki, R., Crawford, B., Vaziri, R., and Milani, A. S., “Using fractional derivatives for improved viscoelastic modeling of textile composites. Part II: Fabric under different temperatures”, Composite Structures, vol. 248, p. 112494, 2020.
- J. Reiner, Feser, T., Schueler, D., Waimer, M., and Vaziri, R., “Comparison of Two Progressive Damage Models for Studying the Notched Behavior of Composite Laminates under Tension”, Composite Structures, vol. 207, pp. 385-396, 2019.
- S. A. Niaki, Forghani, A., Vaziri, R., and Poursartip, A., “An Orthotropic Integrated Flow-Stress Model for Process Simulation of Composite Materials – Part I: Two-Phase Systems”, ASME, J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 141, pp. 031010-1 to 15, 2019.
- S. A. Niaki, Forghani, A., and Vaziri, R., “An Orthotropic Integrated Flow-Stress Model for Process Simulation of Composite Materials – Part II: Three-Phase Systems”, ASME, J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 141, pp. 031011-1 to 8, 2019.
- A. Forghani, Poursartip, A., and Vaziri, R., “An orthotropic non-local approach to modeling intra-laminar damage progression in laminated composites”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 180-181, pp. 160 – 175, 2019.
- S. Malek, Zobeiry, N., Dai, C., and Vaziri, R., “Strain-softening response and failure prediction in notched oriented strand board”, ASCE J. Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 04019094-1 to 8, 2019.
- X. Yan., Reiner, J., Bacca, M., Altintas, Y., and Vaziri, R., “A Study of Energy Dissipating Mechanisms in Orthogonal Cutting of UD-CFRP Composites”, Composite Structures, vol. 220, pp. 460-472, 2019.
- X. Yan, Reiner, J., Bacca, M., Altintas, Y., and Vaziri, R., “A study of energy dissipating mechanisms in orthogonal cutting of UD-CFRP composites”, Composite Structures, vol. 220, pp. 460 – 472, 2019.
- B. Tressou, Vaziri, R., and Nadot-Martin, C., “Application of the Incremental Variational Approach to the Linear Viscoelastic Homogenization of Different Types of Microstructures: Long Fiber-, Particle-Reinforced and Strand-Based Composites,’”, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, vol. 68, pp. 104-116, 2018.
- S. M. Haghshenas, Vaziri, R., and Poursartip, A., “Integration of Resin Flow and Stress Development in Process Modelling of Composites: Part II – Transversely Isotropic Formulation”, 52, vol. 23, pp. 3157-3171, 2018.
- S. M. Haghshenas, Vaziri, R., and Poursartip, A., “Integration of Resin Flow and Stress Development in Process Modelling of Composites: Part I – Isotropic Formulation”, J. Composite Materials, vol. 52, no. 23, pp. 3137-3155, 2018.
- S. A. Niaki, Forghani, A., Vaziri, R., and Poursartip, A., “A Three-Phase Integrated Flow-Stress Model for Processing of Composites”, 117, pp. 152-164, 2018.
- O. Shor and Vaziri, R., “Application of the Local Cohesive Zone Method to Numerical Simulation of Composite Structures under Impact Loading”, Int. J. Impact Engineering, vol. 104, pp. 127-149, 2017.
- C. McGregor, Zobeiry, N., Vaziri, R., Poursartip, A., and Xiao, X., “Calibration and Validation of a Continuum Damage Mechanics Model in Aid of Axial Crush Simulation of Braided Composite Tubes”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol. 95, pp. 208-219, 2017.
- N. Zobeiry, Forghani, A., McGregor, C., ,, Vaziri, R., and Poursartip, A., “Effective Calibration and Validation of a Nonlocal Continuum Damage Model for Laminated Composites”, Composite Structures, vol. 173, pp. 188-195, 2017.
- S. A. Niaki, Forghani, A., Vaziri, R., and Poursartip, A., “A Two-Phase Integrated Flow-Stress Process Model for Composites with Application to Highly Compressible Phases”, Mechanics of Materials, vol. 109, pp. 51-66, 2017.
- C. McGregor, Vaziri, R., Poursartip, A., and Xiao, X., “Axial crushing of triaxially braided composite tubes at quasi-static and dynamic rates”, Composite Structures, vol. 157, pp. 197-206, 2016.
- N. Zobeiry, Malek, S., Vaziri, R., and Poursartip, A., “A Differential Approach to Finite Element Modelling of Isotropic and Transversely Isotropic Viscoelastic Materials”, Mechanics of Materials, vol. 97, pp. 76-91, 2016.
- S. Zacharski, Ko, F., and Vaziri, R., “Mechanical Behaviour of Airbag Fabrics under Quasi-Static Loading: An Experimental Evaluation of Macro- and Meso-Scopic Properties”, Textile Research Journal, vol. 86, no. 14, pp. 1507-1521, 2016.
- N. Zobeiry, A., F., C., L., K., G., Vaziri, R., R., F., and A., P., “Multi-scale Characterization and Representation of Composite Materials during Processing”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. A374, 2016.
- O. Shor and Vaziri, R., “Adaptive Insertion of Cohesive Elements for Simulation of Delamination in Laminated Composite Materials”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 146, pp. 121-138, 2015.
- N. Zobeiry, Vaziri, R., and Poursartip, A., “Characterization of Strain-Softening Behaviour and Failure Mechanisms of Composites under Tension and Compression”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol. 68, pp. 29-41, 2015.
- S. Malekmohammadi, Zobeiry, N., Gereke, T., Tressou, B., and Vaziri, R., “A Comprehensive Multi-Scale Analytical Modelling Framework for Predicting the Mechanical Properties of Strand-Based Composites”, J. Wood Science and Technology, vol. 49, pp. 59-81, 2015.
- S. Malekmohammadi, Tressou, B., Nadot-Martin, C., Ellyin, F., and Vaziri, R., “Analytical Micromechanics Equations for Elastic and Visco-Elastic Properties of Strand-Based Composites”, J. Composite Materials, vol. 48, no. 15, pp. 1857-1874, 2014.
- S. Malekmohammadi, Tressou, B., Nadot-Martin, C., Ellyin, F., and Vaziri, R., “Analytical Micromechanics Equations for Elastic and Viscoelastic Properties of Strand-Based Composites”, Journal of Composite Materials, 2013.
- A. Forghani, Zobeiry, N., Poursartip, A., and Vaziri, R., “A Structural Modelling Framework for Prediction of Damage Development and Failure of Composite Laminates”, Journal of Composite Materials, 2013.
- T. Gereke, Malekmohammadi, C., Nadot-Martin, C., Dai, C., Ellyin, F., and Vaziri, R., “Multi-scale Stochastic Modeling of the Elastic Properties of Strand-Based Wood Composites”, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, vol. 138, no. 7, pp. 791-799, 2012.
- A. Bebamzadeh, Haukaas, T., Vaziri, R., Poursartip, A., and Fernlund, G., “Application of Response Sensitivity in Composite Processing”, J. Composite Materials, vol. 44, no. 15, 2010.
- N. Zobeiry, Vaziri, R., and Poursartip, A., “Computationally Efficient Pseudo-Viscoelastic Models for Evaluation of Residual Stresses in Thermoset Polymer Composites during Cure”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 247-256, 2010.
- C. McGregor, Vaziri, R., and Xiao, X., “Finite Element Modelling of the Progressive Crushing of Braided Composite Tubes under Axial Impact”, Int. J. Impact Engineering, vol. 37, no. No. 6, 2010.
- A. R. A. Arafath, Vaziri, R., and Poursartip, A., “Closed Form Solution for Process-Induced Stresses and Deformation of a Composite Part Cured on a Solid Tool: Part II – Curved Geometries”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 1545-1557, 2009.
- A. Forghani and Vaziri, R., “Computational Modelling of Damage Development in Composite Laminates Subjected to Transverse Dynamic Loading”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, vol. 76, pp. 051304-1 – 051304-11, 2009.
- X. Li, Hallett, S. R., Wisnom, M. R., Zobeiry, N., Vaziri, R., and Poursartip, A., “Experimental Study of Damage Propagation in Over-height Compact Tension Tests”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol. 40, no. No. 12, 2009.
- X. Xiao, McGregor, C., Vaziri, R., and Poursartip, A., “Progress In Composite Tube Crush Simulation”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 711-719, 2009.
- A. Bebamzadeh, Haukaas, T., Vaziri, R., Poursartip, A., and Fernlund, G., “Response Sensitivities and Parameter Importance Studies in Composites Manufacturing”, Journal of Composite Materials, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 621-659, 2009.