Dr. Chieng is a soil and water engineer with a specialty in drainage and irrigation engineering. He has extensive experience in international development with special emphasis on soil and water management for sustainable food and fibre production, drainage of recreational areas (sport fields and golf courses) and environmental impact studies. His field and lab research cover the areas of drainage and irrigation systems planning, design and installation; integrated water management system operations and performance evaluations; impact of irrigation and drainage on water and soils; solute movement in irrigated soils; salinity control; windblown dust mitigation; environmental impact assessment; computer modeling and cost/benefit analysis.
Research Interests
Soil and water engineering, drainage and irrigation systems planning, design and installation; integrated water management system operations and performance evaluations; impact of irrigation and drainage on water and solute movement in soils, soil salinity control and windblown dust mitigation
- S. T. Chieng, Biniak-Pierog, M., Kaminska, J., Szulczewski, W., and Zyromski, A., “Evapo application: A tool for determining evapotranspiration by FAO Penman-Monteith method”, Infrastructure and Ecology for Rural Areas, 2012.
- S. T. Chieng, “Surface irrigation for dust control at Tsay Keh Beach”. 2011.
- S. T. Chieng, “Mitigation of windblown dust control by using irrigation. ”, Presented at Dust Mitigation Workshop. Burnaby, B.C. Oct. 7-8, 2009, 2009.
- S. T. Chieng, “Windblown dust control in a dynamic reservoir”, in CSBE 50th Annual Conference, 2008.
- S. T. Chieng, “Use of food color in tracing solute movement in near surface soils”, in BCWWA Annual Conference, 2007.
- S. T. Chieng, “Irrigation of residential turfgrass in GVRD”, in BCWWA Annual Conference, 2006.
- S. T. Chieng, “Subsurface drainage practices: Guidelines for the implementation, operations, and maintenance of subsurface pipe drainage systems (book review)”, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Systems, vol. 20, pp. 151-153, 2006.
- S. T. Chieng, “Subsurface drainage for salinity control in semi-arid irrigated region – performance assessment”, in ICID 19th Conference Proceedings, 2005.
- S. T. Chieng, “Water and solute movement in near surface soils”, in BCWWA Annual Conference, 2005.
- T. J. Shelford, Lau, A. K., Ehret, D. L., and Chieng, S. T., “Comparison of a new plant-based irrigation control method with light-based irrigation control for greenhouse tomato production”, Canadian Biosystems Engineering, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2004.
- R. Suryawanshi and Chieng, S. T., “Effect of soil-layering on solute movement in near surface soils”, in ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting, 2004.