Dr. Terje Haukaas
Structural & Earthquake Engineering
Office: CEME 2014
Email: terje@civil.ubc.ca
Phone: 604-827-5557
Publications: Google Scholar
Website: terje.civil.ubc.ca
Professor Terje Haukaas has been a member of the structural engineering group in the Department of Civil Engineering since 2003. He received his Master’s and PhD degrees from the University of California at Berkeley in 1999 and 2003. Originally from Norway, Dr. Haukaas obtained his undergraduate degree from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim in 1996. Before that, he obtained an engineering degree from the Stavanger University College in 1994 and a technician degree from the Stavanger Technical College in 1992. He worked as a researcher and engineer in Norway from 1996 to 1998. Prior to entering the field of engineering, Dr. Haukaas had become a Journeyman and Master Builder of carpentry.
Dr. Haukaas conducts research on probabilistic modelling of hazards, structures, and impacts, with emphasis on computational simulation models. His notes and computer codes are posted here. Dr. Haukaas has co-authored a number of journal papers on reliability, sensitivity, and optimization analysis applied to civil engineering problems. Software development is an integral part of Dr. Haukaas’ research. He developed the first version of the Matlab toolbox FERUM and he implemented the first reliability and sensitivity options in OpenSees. He later spearheaded the development of Rt and Rts, which are computer programs for multi-hazard and multi-model reliability and optimization analysis.
Research Interests
Probabilistic mechanics, structural reliability and optimization, timber engineering, earthquake engineering, decision making, risk, advanced structural analysis, finite elements, response sensitivity analysis, software development
CIVL 332 Structural Analysis
CIVIL 509 Nonlinear Structural Analysis
CIVIL 518 Reliability and Structural Safety
Awards & Recognitions
- UBC Killam Teaching Prize, 2016
- President, Civil Engineering Risk and Reliability Association (CERRA), 2015-2019
- Semi-plenary Speaker, COMPDYN 2017, Rhodes, Greece, June 15-17, 2017
- Keynote Speaker, ICCSTE’16, Ottawa, Canada, May 5-6, 2016
- Chair (organizer), ICASP12, Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15, 2015
- Early Career Keynote Speaker, ICOSSAR 2013, New York, June 16-20, 2013
- Student Appreciation Award from the Civil Undergraduate Student Club: Top 4th Year Professor 2015, 2016
- Student Appreciation Award from the Civil Undergraduate Student Club: Top 3rd Year Professor 2007, 2010, 2012, 2013
- Best paper award, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2007
- Fulbright Fellowship, 1998
- Haukaas, T. (2024) “Exact sensitivity of nonlinear dynamic response with modal and Rayleigh damping formulated with the tangent stiffness.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 150(3).
- Haukaas, T. (2023) “Importance ranking of correlated variables in one analysis.” Structural Safety, 104.
- Gavrilovic, S., Haukaas, T. (2021) “Cost of environmental and human health impacts of repairing earthquake damage.” ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 35(4).
- Costa, R., Haukaas, T. (2021) “The effect of resource constraints on housing recovery.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 55.
- Gavrilovic, S., Haukaas, T. (2021) “Seismic loss estimation using visual damage models.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(3).
- Costa, R., Haukaas, T., Chang, S. (2021) “Agent-based model for post-earthquake housing recovery.” Earthquake Spectra, 37(1).
- Gavrilovic, S., Haukaas, T. (2020) “Multi-model probabilistic analysis of the lifecycle cost of buildings.” Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure.
- Costa, R., Haukaas, T., Chang, S. (2020) “Predicting population displacements after earthquakes.” Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure.
- Costa, R., Haukaas, T., Chang, S., Dowlatabadi, H. (2019) “Object-oriented model of the seismic vulnerability of the fuel distribution network in Coastal British Columbia.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 186, pp. 11-23.
- Mahsuli, M., Haukaas, T. (2019) “Risk minimization for a portfolio of buildings considering risk aversion.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 145(2).
- Lok, I., Eschelmuller, E., Haukaas, T., Ventura, C., Bebamzadeh, A., Slovic, P., & Dunn, E. (2019). “Can we apply the psychology of risk perception to increase earthquake preparation? ” Collabra: Psychology, 5(1).
- Ganesh Pai, S., Lam, F., Haukaas, T. (2016) “Force transfer around openings in cross laminated timber shear walls.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 143(4).
- Javaherian Yazdi, A., Haukaas, T., Yang, T., Gardoni, P. (2016) “Multivariate fragility models for earthquake engineering.” Earthquake Spectra, 32(1), pp. 441-461.
- Gomes, W.J.S., Beck, A.T., Haukaas, T. (2013) “Optimal inspection planning for onshore pipelines subject to external corrosion.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 118, pp. 18-27.
- Tannert, T., Haukaas, T. (2013) “Probabilistic models for structural performance of rounded dovetail joints.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 139(9), pp. 1478-1488.
- Mahsuli, M., Haukaas, T. (2013) “Sensitivity measures for optimal mitigation of risk and reduction of model uncertainty.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 117, pp. 9-20.
- Mahsuli, M., Haukaas, T. (2013) “Seismic risk analysis with reliability methods, Part II: Analysis.” Structural Safety, 42(1), pp. 63–74.
- Mahsuli, M., Haukaas, T. (2013) “Seismic risk analysis with reliability methods, Part I: Models.” Structural Safety, 42(1), pp. 54–62.
- Mahsuli, M., Haukaas, T. (2013) “Computer program for multi-model reliability and optimization analysis.” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 27(1), pp. 87–98.
- Haukaas, T., Gardoni, P. (2011) “Model uncertainty in finite element analysis: Bayesian finite elements.” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 137 (8), pp. 519-526.
- Bebamzadeh, A., Haukaas, T., Vaziri, R., Poursartip, A., Fernlund, G. (2010) “Application of response sensitivity in composite processing.” Journal of Composite Materials, 44 (15), pp. 1821-1840.
- Koduru, S.D., Haukaas, T. (2010) “Probabilistic seismic loss assessment of a Vancouver high-rise building.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 136 (3), pp. 235-245.
- Koduru, S.D., Haukaas, T. (2010) “Feasibility of FORM in finite element reliability analysis.” Structural Safety, 32 (2), pp. 145-153.
- Sharma, G., Haukaas, T., Hall, R., Priyadarshini, S. (2009) “Bayesian statistics and production reliability assessments for mining operations.” International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 23 (3), pp. 180-205.
- Choe, D.E., Gardoni, P., Rosowsky, D. Haukaas, T. (2009) “Seismic fragility estimates for reinforced concrete bridges subject to corrosion.” Structural Safety, 31, pp. 275–283.
- Bebamzadeh, A., Haukaas, T., Vaziri, R., Poursartip, A. , Fernlund, G. (2009) “Response sensitivities and parameter importance in composites manufacturing.” Journal of Composite Materials, 43(6), pp. 621-659.
- Bebamzadeh, A., Haukaas, T. (2008) “Second-order sensitivities of inelastic finite element response by direct differentiation.” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 134(10), pp. 867-880.
- Scott, M.H., Haukaas, T. (2008) “Software framework for parameter updating and finite element response sensitivity analysis.” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 22(5), pp. 281-291.
- Haukaas, T. (2008) “Unified reliability and design optimization for earthquake engineering.” Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 23, pp. 471–481.
- Zhong, J., Gardoni, P., Rosowsky, D., Haukaas T. (2008) “Probabilistic seismic demand models and fragility estimates for reinforced concrete bridges with two-column bents.” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 134(6), pp. 495-504.
- Choe, D.E., Gardoni, P., Rosowsky, D. Haukaas, T. (2008) “Probabilistic capacity models and seismic fragility estimates for RC columns subject to corrosion.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 93, pp. 383-393.
- Koduru, S.D., Haukaas, T., Elwood, K.J. (2007) “Probabilistic evaluation of global seismic capacity of degrading structures.” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 36, pp. 2043-2058.
- Zhu, L., Elwood, K.J., Haukaas, T. (2007) “Classification and seismic safety evaluation of existing reinforced concrete columns.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 133(9), pp. 1316-1330.
- Riederer, K.A., Haukaas, T. (2007) “Cost-benefit importance vectors for performance-based structural engineering.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 133(7), pp. 907-915.
- Haukaas, T., Der Kiureghian, A. (2007) “Methods and object-oriented software for FE reliability and sensitivity analysis with application to a bridge structure.” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 21(3), pp. 151-163.
- Liang, H., Haukaas, T., Royset, J.O. (2007) ”Reliability-based optimal design software for earthquake engineering applications.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 34(7), pp. 856-869.
- Mathakari, S., Gardoni, P., Agarwal,P., Raich, A., Haukaas, T. (2007) “Reliability-based optimal design of electrical transmission towers using multi-objective genetic algorithms.” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 22, pp. 282-292.
- Koduru, S.D., Haukaas, T. (2006) “Uncertain reliability index in finite element reliability analysis.” International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 1(1/2), pp. 77-101.
- Haukaas, T. (2006) “Efficient computation of response sensitivities for inelastic structures.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 132 (2), pp. 260-266.
- Haukaas, T., Scott, M. H. (2006) “Shape sensitivities in the reliability analysis of nonlinear frame structures.” Computers & Structures, 84 (15), pp. 964-977.
- Haukaas, T., Der Kiureghian, A. (2006) ”Strategies for finding the design point in nonlinear finite element reliability analysis.” Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 21 (2), pp. 133-147.
- Zhu, L., Elwood, K.J., Haukaas, T., Gardoni, P. (2006) “Application of a probabilistic drift capacity model for shear-critical columns, deformation capacity and shear strength of reinforced concrete members under cyclic loading.” ACI Special Publication (SP-236), American Concrete Institute, 21 pages.
- Der Kiureghian, A., Haukaas, T. Fujimura, K. (2006) ”Structural reliability software at the University of California, Berkeley.” Structural Safety, 28, pp. 44-67.
- Haukaas, T., Der Kiureghian, A. (2005) “Parameter sensitivity and importance measures in nonlinear finite element reliability analysis.” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 131(10), pp. 1013-1026.
- Remseth, S., Leira B. J., Okstad K. M., Mathisen, K. M., Haukaas, T. (1999) “Dynamic response and fluid/structure interaction of submerged floating tunnels.” Computers and Structures, 72, pp. 659-685.