Instructions for how to submit forms for the department are listed under each form in the right-hand column.
COURSE REGISTRATION FORM For students requesting registration into a CIVL course that is full or part of another standard timetable. Please see the Registration FAQ page for further information about the registration process. | Online Course Registration Form: Form must be submitted electronically. No instructor signatures are required. |
COURSE CONFLICT FORM Registration in courses that result in timetable conflicts require the approval of each instructor and your faculty advisor. Note: There are some faculties that do not permit course conflicts within their programs. Please consult with your faculty advisor. NOTE: If exams are scheduled for the same time period, the student will be responsible for writing the exams back-to-back. | Course Conflict Form: Must be completed by both course instructors and submitted to Engineering Academic Services |
TRANSFER CREDIT FORM For students who seek approval of transfer credits of courses taken during an exchange program other than one arranged through the Coordinated International Experience (CIE) office. | Transfer credits are handled by Engineering Academic Services. Please visit their website here. |
DIRECTED STUDIES REQUEST FORM For students who seek approval of CIVL 492 Directed Studies as a technical elective. Please see 4th Year Technical Electives for requirements. | Directed Studies Request Form. Completed form should be approved by Instructor and Fourth Year Advisor and submitted to |
FINANCE FORMS For students requiring reimbursement for expenses covered by a faculty member’s research funding or the Department | Payment Request/Order Form. Form must be printed, signed by a faculty member and returned to the Front Office with all receipts (CEME 2002) Missing Receipt Form. Form must be printed, signed by a faculty member and returned to the Front Office (CEME 2002) Travel Claim/Advance Request (UBC Travel & Related Expenses Policy 83). Form must be printed, signed by a faculty member, and returned to the Front Office (CEME 2002). Travel Claim Instructions Courier Shipping Form. Form must be printed, signed by a faculty member, and returned to the Front Office (CEME 2002). |
STUDENT EMPLOYMENT For students employed as Academic Assistants, co-op students or work/study students in the Department. Note that all hourly employees must submit signed timesheets to the Department to receive payment. | Student Hourly Timesheets Form must be signed by the supervisor. Form must be submitted to the Front Office (CEME 2002). For timesheet cut-off dates, please see Timesheet Cut-off Schedule. Employee Direct Deposit Form Employee Training Record Personal Data Form |
A/V AND VEHICLE BOOKING FORMS Departmental A/V equipment and vehicles can only be used by students for approved activities. | Student Vehicle Booking Authorization Form. Supervisor’s approval can be done through email or by signing the form. Form can be submitted electronically to or physically to the Front Office (CEME 2002) |
STUDENT ACCESS REQUEST FORM To request room access ( key, electronic access or punch-code access) , please complete this form and submit it to the Civil Engineering Front Office. | Student Access Request Form. If requesting a key, you will be emailed by Access & Parking Security Office when the key is ready for pickup. If requesting electronic access or punch code access, you will be contacted by email. |