UBC Civil Engineering Professor Tarek Sayed receiving the Academic Research Centennial Road Safety Award at the 2014 TAC Conference & Exhibition from Doug McNeil (left), Deputy Minister of Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation and TAC President and Vern Janz (right), Director of Transport Services, Yukon Department of Highways and Public Works and Chair of the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators. Photo: Serge Matte, ministère des Transports du Québec. Property of the Transportation Association of Canada.
The Transportation Association of Canada held its 100 year Centennial conference in Montreal this week, and named our very own Dr. Tarek Sayed as the winner of its Centennial Road Safety Award.
The TAC Centennial Road Safety Awards recognize “outstanding contributions to road safety over the past 100 years.” Major milestones of progress, as well as contributions that bring “transformational and long-term improvements” to the field of road safety in Canada are highlighted by these awards.
Click here to learn more about the TAC Centennial Road Safety Awards.
In the words of one of our alumni: “Given the number of outstanding and exceptional world-wide contributions made by Canadian researchers of road safety in the past 100 years, for Dr. Tarek Sayed to win this award mid-career (it was assumed the winner would be retired or possibly posthumously awarded) attests to his incredible dedication, passion, and tangible significance of his research. And I believe he is just getting started!”