UBC Seismic Achieved 8th place at the EERI Seismic Design Competition 2024
UBC Seismic recently competed in the prestigious EERI Seismic Design Competition held in Seattle. This year, amidst stiff competition from 40 universities spanning the globe, UBC Seismic stood tall, both figuratively and literally, as they demonstrated their ingenuity and skill in seismic design. The team’s 5-ft tall balsa wood tower withstood the rigorous tests of […]
Boston Bar Landfill Renewal Project is D&I Project Poster Winner
On Design and Innovation Day, the project titled “The Boston Bar Landfill Closure and Site Renewal” by Team 19 from CIVL 446 was selected as the winner of the project poster category among several amazing projects by civil engineering students. This project, undertaken in collaboration with Dr. Iqbal Bhuiyan, P.Eng. of Sperling Hansen Associates […]
UBC Civil Engineering Teams Headed to Nationals
The American Society of Civil Engineering chapter of UBC (UBC ASCE Student Chapter) has successfully hosted the 2024 ASCE Pacific Northwest symposium. The two-day event took place on April 6th and 7th. Over 350 participants, judges, and volunteers from the United States and Canada competed in four competitions: Steel Bridge, Concrete Canoe, Sustainable Solutions and […]
Civil Student Spotlight – Building and Maintaining Connections
Kimia Miraki Program: Civil Engineering Degree: Bachelor of Applied Science Campus: Vancouver What extracurricular activities are you currently involved in? I am currently the co-president of the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineering) Student Chapter of UBC, where I am involved in leading our team through various projects. This year, our team has undertaken significant […]
Civil Student Spotlight – Striving to Develop Ideas Into a Reality
Kelly Kim Degree: Bachelor of Applied Science Program: Civil Engineering Campus: Vancouver What extracurricular activities are you currently involved in? Currently, I am involved in the Concrete Toboggan Engineering Design Team as the Ski Design Subteam Lead, the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Society (Civil Club) as Co-President, and I work part-time with Industra Construction Corp as […]
Civil Engineering PhD candidate receives Doctoral Scholarship
Kishoare Tamanna, a PhD student in Civil Engineering and a UBC Killam Doctoral Scholar at the School of Engineering, is making waves in the field of sustainable infrastructure development. Working at the Applied Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Structures (ALAMS) under the guidance of Professor Shahria Alam and co-supervised by Professor Tony Yang at the […]
UBC Concrete Canoe places 3rd at ASCE PNW competition
The UBC Concrete Canoe team’s journey in the summer of 2022 was filled with challenges, but their unwavering dedication and resilience propelled them to remarkable success. The team’s outstanding performance at the ASCE Pacific Northwest competition, securing 3rd place overall and achieving notable victories in the races, stands as a testament to their skill and […]
Third Quadrant Design Won 3rd Place at Solar Decathlon 2023
Originally published in Mechanical Business. Teams from the University of British Columbia and the University of Waterloo are among the winners of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Solar Decathlon 2023 Build Challenge. This was the 21st edition of the annual Solar Decathlon, a student competition that challenges the next generation of building professionals to design […]
EERI Competition: UBC Seismic Receives Communications Award
Although their tower collapsed, their exceptional performance still earned them the second highest overall score
CIVL 446’s Team 10 Selected as The Winner of D&I Project Poster
On Design and Innovation Day in April, the project titled “Improving 16th Avenue for Walking, Biking and Rolling” by Team 10 from CIVL 446 was selected as the winner of the project poster category among several amazing projects by civil engineering students. Team 10, consisting of Adi Henegar, Bahati Msakamali, Jasmine Ma, Jeremy Karkanis, […]
UBC Civil team places first at 2021 Seismic Design Competition
After working virtually on their design over the past year, UBC Civil Engineering student team UBC Seismic placed first in the 2021 Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition. The competition, organized by the EERI Student Leadership Council (SLC), annually brings together students from over 50 universities across the globe. The goal is […]
UBC Steel Bridge places first at Canadian Nationals
The UBC Steel Bridge design team, comprised of 50 UBC Civil Engineering undergraduate and Master’s students, recently won first place at the 2021 Canadian National Steel Bridge Competition. While the team had consistently placed in the top three in previous years, this was their first time winning the top prize. Supervised by faculty members Drs. Noboru Yonemitsu and Carlos Molina Hutt, the […]
PhD researcher receives Public Scholar Initiative fellowship
Preetish Kakoty (PhD, ’22) has been awarded the 2020-2021 UBC Public Scholar Initiative fellowship. He is one of two UBC Faculty of Applied Science students to receive the honour this year. The metro Vancouver region faces major seismic risk due to its close proximity to the Cascadia Subduction Zone. This risk is further elevated because of […]
Fourth-year student receives two Pipeline Engineering awards
Jezarah Ebel was always destined for a bright future in engineering. After excelling in math and physics in high school, choosing to study Civil Engineering at UBC was a no-brainer. Driven by a newfound interest in project management, she decided to further specialize in pipeline engineering. This year, Jezarah is one of three students (along with […]
MEL students use free public Wi-Fi to increase citizen engagement
How can cities increase public engagement? Students in the Master of Engineering Leadership (MEL) in Urban Systems: Infrastructure for Resilient Cities program worked with the City of New Westminster to explore how adding to the number of free public Wi-Fi spots in the city’s high-pedestrian traffic areas could enhance citizen engagement. New Westminster was one of the […]
Female-led UBC Engineering student team wins at Solar Decathlon
UBC Engineering student design team, Third Quadrant Design, won first place in the Urban Single-Family Division at the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon, held April 17-19, 2020. Supervised by UBC Engineering faculty members Dr. Adam Rysanek, Dr. Sheryl Staub-French, and Dr. Susan Nesbit, Third Quadrant Design comprises of 25 UBC students across multiple engineering disciplines. It is led […]
UBC Civil Team wins third place in Seismic Design Competition
Congratulations to the UBC students who won third place in the 2020 Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition at the National Earthquake Conference. Over 51 teams from universities across the United States and around the world participated in this competition. Each team designed a complex tall building model made from balsa wood that was tested on a shaking table. […]
UBC Civil Design Team Places First at WEFTEC Competition
Congratulations to the UBC Civil Design Team members who took home first place 2019 WEFTEC Student Design Competition! The 18th annual competition showcased innovative ideas from 30 teams from 26 WEF Member Associations and three countries during WEFTEC 2019, WEF’s 92nd annual technical exhibition and conference. UBC team members Luthfi Subagio, James Craxton, Daniel Luo, and Johnson […]
UBC Steel Bridge Design Team Triumphs At 2019 Nationals
In May 2019, the UBC Steel Bridge Design Team competed at the 2019 Canadian National Steel Bridge Competition at l’Université de Montréal. UBC Engineering Student Design Team, composed of 14 undergraduate engineering students, competed against 18 teams from Canada, USA, Mexico, and China. Out of the teams that competed, UBC Steel Bridge ranked 1st in lightness, 3rd in oral presentation, and 3rd overall, making this year’s […]
UBC Civil Teams Wins 2018 WEFTEC Student Design Competition
Congratulations to UBC Civil Environmental students (left to right) James Craxton, Steven Rintoul, Lutz Subagio, Johnson Li, as well as supervisor Professor Noboru Yonemitsu, who won first place in the 2018 WEFTEC Student Design Competition! The Student Design Competition begins at the Member Association (MA) level. Each MA is encouraged to develop their own Student Design […]
UBC CSCE Wins National CSCE Award
The UBC CSCE Student Chapter came first in a nation-wide selection of the best student chapters of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), an organization that aims to unite civil engineering communities across Canada. Having won the same award in 2015, this is another year of great success for the Student Chapter. After thorough review and evaluation of […]
UBC Concrete Canoe Team Excel at National Competition
UBC’s Concrete Canoe team recently competed at the Canadian National Concrete Canoe Competition (CNCCC) at Waterloo University in Ontario. This three-day event brought together civil engineering students from all over the country from May 10th – 12th. The UBC team has been preparing for the better part of the year, designing and testing their material, designing […]
Civil Engineering MASc Takes Second Place in 3MT@UBC
Rajat Jain, a civil engineering MASc student, claimed the second place prize in the 3MT@UBC competition. Tasked with the challenge of presenting their thesis research in a condensed but engaging three minute talk, competitors in the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) came from a variety of departments across campus. On March 15th, these graduate students went head to […]
Civil Engineering graduate students to compete in San Francisco
An interdisciplinary team of UBC students is ready to take their drinking water technology case one step closer to the $1 million Hult Prize. Rajat Jain, Jatin Maheshwary, and Karan Grover have joined forces to create a business case for the drinking water technology developed under the supervision of Civil Engineering professor Pierre Bérubé. Their entry […]
UBC BCWWA Student Chapter runners-up at Design Competition
L-R: team members Brad Jenks, Kit Caufield, Jenikka Javison, Tim Burton; Tom Kunetz (WEF vice president). Not pictured: team members Antonio Castro and Gregory Vettese. The UBC Student Chapter of the BC Water and Waste Association placed second in the Student Wastewater Design Competition at WEFTEC 2017, the Water Environment Federation’s annual Technical Exhibition & […]
Civil undergraduate receives S-FRAME Prize
Civil undergraduate student Zhuo Nan Chen has been selected to receive the 2017 S-FRAME Software Inc. Prize in Structural Engineering, a $1,000 award offered to the student with the highest academic standing in CIVL 228 Introduction to Structural Engineering. The donor, S-FRAME Software Inc., is a company headquartered in Richmond, BC, that produces a suite […]
BC Environmental Managers Association honours Civil Engineering grad
Thursday, July 6, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin A UBC Civil Engineering graduate has received the Emerging Environmental Professional Award from the Environmental Managers Association of BC. Alice Kruchten, who accepted the award at a gala at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club earlier this month, was recognized for her “professional achievement, innovation, experience and leadership, […]
UBC Steel Bridge wins third place overall at Canadian Nationals
Monday, May 29, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin UBC Steel Bridge earned an impressive third-place finish at the recent 2017 CSCE-CISC Canadian National Steel Bridge Competition. Eight teams converged at Université Laval for the May competition, in a culmination of months of student-driven activity including the conception, design, and fabrication of a scale-model steel bridge, […]
UBC Civil Engineering team wins 2017 BCWWA competition
Friday, May 19, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin A group of third and fourth year UBC Civil Engineering students, competing as team UBSeaTec, placed first at the 2017 BC Water & Waste Association (BCWWA) Student Design Competition. This year’s competition challenged students to create a feasibility design for a wastewater treatment upgrade to the Tsawout […]
Civil PhD student awarded major international scholarship
Friday, May 5, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin The American Water Works Association has awarded Civil PhD candidate Shona Robinson the 2017 Dave Caldwell Scholarship for her research in the drinking water field. Shona is part of a research group investigating membrane filtration, a popular technology for drinking water treatment. Porous membranes effectively filter out microorganisms and […]
UBC Concrete Canoe & Steel Bridge excel in ASCE Conference
Thursday, May 4, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin UBC Concrete Canoe and UBC Steel Bridge have both returned from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Pacific Northwest Regional Student Conference at Boise State University with excellent results. The concrete canoe competition saw fifteen universities face off in an exciting student team challenge: to design, […]
Concrete Canoe embarks on 2017 competition season
Wednesday, April 19, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin After addressing some unique challenges presented by this year’s design requirements, the UBC Concrete Canoe team is set to embark on the 2017 competition season. First, the team will be represented at the American Society for Civil Engineering (ASCE) Pacific Northwest 2017 Student Conference, happening at Boise […]
Civil grad student selected for Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
Tuesday, April 4, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin UBC Civil Engineering graduate student Negar Roghanian has been selected to receive the 2016/2017 Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. Killam Graduate TA Awards are given in recognition of outstanding contributions by teaching assistants, which have led to a “high level of respect from undergraduate students and academic […]
Concrete Toboggan scores second place at GNCTR 2017
Tuesday, February 28, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin The UBC Concrete Toboggan Team has returned from the 2017 Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race with some impressive showings in competition categories, and a wealth of experience to strengthen the team for next year. 30 team members travelled to the mid-February competition in Winnipeg for the competition […]
Concrete Toboggan gearing up for competition
Tuesday, February 7, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin The UBC Concrete Toboggan Team is making the final preparations for the Great Northern Concrete Toboggan race, taking place February 8 – 12 in Winnipeg. This year, 30 team members are travelling to the competition: 14 GNCTR veterans and 16 first-timers, representing the Civil Department and others. […]
Loretta Li’s Whistler corrosion study
Monday, July 11, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Loretta Li discusses her new investigation on corrosion in the Whistler water distribution system, to be undertaken with the Resort Municipality of Whistler and Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd., with Pique Newsmagazine.
Civil grad student receives Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
Monday, May 2, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin UBC Civil Engineering is delighted to announce that Civil graduate student Jörg Winter has been selected as a recipient of a 2015/2016 Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards are given in recognition of outstanding contributions by teaching assistants, which have led to a […]
Civil grad students to host Northwest Graduate Student Symposium
Monday, April 11, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin The graduate students of the Geotechnical Research Group are hosting the next Northwest Graduate Student Symposium in Geotechnical Engineering (NGSSGE) from May 5th to 7th, 2016 in Vancouver, B.C. This two-day symposium will discuss current research activities, common regional research interests, similarities and differences of geotechnical graduate […]