Congratulations to Dr. Carlos Molina Hutt, who has been awared the 2019 EERI Shah Family Innovation Prize by the Earthquake Engineering Research Insititute!
The Shah Prize is awarded annually to young professionals and academics for creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit in the field of earthquake risk mitigation and management.
In the press release by the EERI, they stated “(c)onsidering the breadth and excellence of Carlos’s leadership, research and engineering practice, it was clear to the prize committee that he is on a trajectory to be an outstanding leader in the field of earthquake risk mitigation in the coming decades.” Carlos will receive the award at the 2020 EERI Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony on Thursday, March 5 during the National Earthquake Conference in San Diego.
For more details on Dr. Molina Hutt’s research please visit is Faculty Profile. A full press release by the Earthquake Engineering Research Insititute is available at the link here.