Dr. Carlos Ventura gives overview of seismic risk in BC

Images courtesy of Carlos Ventura. At centre: BC Smart Infrastructure Monitoring System Shake Map, showing infrastructure currently being monitored. At right: Engineers inspect field vibration testing equipment at Ironworkers Memorial Second Narrows Crossing.

Dr. Carlos Ventura, Civil Engineering Professor and Director of the Earthquake Engineering Research Facility (EERF), presented the faculty seminar “The Art and Science of Earthquake Engineering” on March 4. Dr. Ventura offered a compelling overview of the lessons earthquake engineers have learned from previous earthquakes worldwide, the sesimic risk present in British Columbia, and the technology now being applied to local infrastructure in an effort to mitigate that risk. The exciting presentation was well-received by faculty, staff, students and guests in attendance. 

The work Dr. Ventura is involved with is frequently covered in local media: please see Vancouver Sun and 24 Hours Vancouver for more on how this work is making a difference in British Columbia.