Honorary UBC Civil Engineering Professor Koji Sakai received the American Concrete Institute’s Concrete Sustainability Award at its ACI Fall 2014 Convention in Washington, DC on October 26. This prestigious award recognizes individuals who have “actively highlighted concrete’s role in sustainable construction.” Dr. Sakai, who was a professor at Kagawa University in Japan until 2013, is now Chair of the Japan Sustainability Institute in Sapporo. He was presented with this award in recognition of “his leadership role challenging the concrete industry to think green and for his tireless efforts to organize numerous concrete sustainability workshops and conferences globally.” Dr. Sakai has been associated with the Department of Civil Engineering for over thirty years and has contributed extensively through join doctoral student supervision, execution of research projects funded through Canada-Japan Science and Technology Funds and organization of numerous joint international conferences.
Established in 1904, the American Concrete Institute is an international organization that serves to develop and advance knowledge of concrete. Visit www.concrete.org to learn more about ACI and its fall convention.