Grant awarded to Dr. Susan Nesbit and Professor Naoko Ellis

Congratulations to Professors Naoko Ellis (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering) and Susan Nesbit (Department of Civil Engineering) who, in September 2014, were awarded a two year Sustainability Pathway Grant by UBC’s Sustainability Initiative Teaching and Learning Office.   The new APSC Sustainability Pathway Initiative aims to:

  • assess the interest and support for a sustainability pathway in APSC by students and faculty
  • develop sustainability pathway learning* outcomes
  • build strategies for implementing undergraduate (UG) curriculum changes
  • build strategies for creating pathways at the graduate (GRAD) levels

In addition to the grant, and to further support the goals of the new APSC initiative, Dr. Ellis has been appointed as one of seven 2014-2015 University Sustainability Teaching Fellows and Dr. Nesbit has been appointed as the 2014-2015 Teaching Fellows Chair.

The APSC pathway initiative team, which includes graduate students Danielle Salvatore and Eric Dening, are working on a number of projects including a collaboration with Mechanical Engineering’s Dr. Pete Ostafichuk, Director of the Engineering FIrst Year Program.  This collaboration aims to introduce engineering-for-sustainability concepts to students new to the Applied Science Faculty.  For more information about the APSC Sustainability Pathway Initiative, go to:

For more information about the APSC Sustainability Pathway Initiative, go to:

For more information about the UBC Sustainability Teaching Fellows, go to:

*A Sustainability Pathway is a collection of sustainability-oriented courses and experiences that students pursue alongside their disciplinary major. Pathways may be embedded within existing programs, or offered as a separate entity such as a minor.