Wednesday, June 22, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin
UBC Civil Engineering is pleased to announce the launch of a new graduate-level course, Transportation Emissions and Air Quality, starting in term 2 of the Winter 2016/2017 academic year.
The transport sector is a huge contributor to local and global air pollution. This new course will address the generation, control, regulation and analysis of traffic-related air pollution, including greenhouse gases. Students will get hands-on experience with emissions models and learn about relevant policies for transportation projects.
Instructor: Dr. Alex Bigazzi
Course Code: CIVL 598A 002 Topics in Civil Engineering – TRNSPRTN EMISSNS
Credits: 3 Date & Time: Mon/Wed 12:30 – 14:00
Room: 405, West Mall Swing Space
This course is now available for online registration. If the course is not on the list of approved electives for their program, students should check with their Specialty Advisor or Research Supervisor before enrolling.