Congratulations to Dr. Liam Finn, Professor Emeritus at UBC, who will be presented with the George W. Housner Medal in 2019! The award will be presented do Dr. Finn on Thursday, March 7, 2019 at the EERI Honour Ceremony and Annual Business Meeting in Vancouver British Columbia.
The George W. Housner Medal of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute is awarded to recognize members of the Institute and others who have made extraordinary and lasting contributions to public earthquake safety through the development and application of earthquake hazard reduction practices and policies. This award is not established to recognize major engineering or scientific research contributions or advancements, but it may very well be given to individuals who have made such contributions. This, the most prestigious award of the Institute, shall be granted to at most one individual and perhaps none in each calendar year. This award may be granted only upon the unanimous concurrence of the Board of Directors. Each recipient shall receive an engraved medal, framed citation, and costs for attendance to receive the medal at the Annual Meeting of the Institute.