Two Civil community members receive Dean’s Service Award

Professor Michael Isaacson and Director of Safety & Research Facilities Scott Jackson have been honoured by the Faculty of Applied Science with the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Service.

Recognizing faculty and staff who through leadership, service, and administrative activities make substantial and high-impact contributions to their Departments and the Faculty, the awards were given out by APSC Dean James Olson at the Festive Celebration on December 8.

“Michael and Scott have both made exceptional contributions to the Department as leaders and community members,” said Department Head Bernard Laval. “I am privileged to work alongside them and on behalf of the entire department, I congratulate them on this well-deserved recognition.”

Dr. Michael Isaacson is honoured for his extensive service contributions to the Department over many years. As the previous Associate Head for academic programs, he assessed and revamped most of the Department’s policies and procedures in both the graduate and undergraduate programs. He has also led efforts to revamp reporting for CEAB under the new graduate attributes system.

Dr. Isaacson’s legacy will include a robust system for measuring and reporting attributes that will serve the Department for years to come.

Scott Jackson is recognized for his career-long service to the Department, which includes tirelessly working to build a strong culture of health and safety. He is particularly noted for his efforts over the past two years, during when he was instrumental in keeping students, staff, and faculty safe during the global pandemic, as well as spearheading a safe and efficient return to campus.

Having joined UBC Civil Engineering in 1986, Scott Jackson is one of the bed rocks that the Department is built upon and has made this place a safer place of study and work for all.