General Information for All Students, Faculty and Staff:
Mandatory training:
- All faculty, staff, and graduate students must complete the UBC Go Forward COVID-19 Safety Training course prior to returning to campus.
- A daily self-health assessment is required before attending campus.
- Stay home if you are sick. Use the Thrive Health self-assessment tool for guidance and follow the advice from Public Health.
- Everyone must follow relevant signage when moving around UBC campuses or worksites.
Access and security:
- CEME building exterior doors will remain locked until September. Until then, you will need to use your UBC Card for access.
- Alarm codes remain the same as before the pandemic.
- Masks are recommended in indoor common spaces to ensure the safety of our faculty, staff, and students.
- The Department also expects all its members to act with kindness and consideration for those who choose to wear or not to wear masks.
- Building Evacuation Amendment COVID-19
- Workspace Safety Plan for Teaching Spaces
- Use of Shared UBC Vehicles
- Please contact Scott Jackson at scottj@civil.ubc.ca for any further information or questions related to safety in Civil facilities.
- New signage will be in place with new stay-at-home-if-sick, training requirements, and mask recommendations.
- There is no longer a requirement to sign in/out with the QR codes.
- All doors are now in/out, and all hallways and stairwells two-way.
- Elevators and bathrooms will return to full occupancy.
Faculty & Staff:
- For information specific to faculty and staff, please refer to this post on the UBC Civil Faculty & Staff Portal.
- To gain access to the Portal, please contact Lee Yang at communications@civil.ubc.ca.
Graduate Students:
- If you were assigned a grad desk prior to the move off-campus in March 2020, you are now approved to return and make use of your desk space without restriction.
- CEME and Rusty Hut buildings are now open to graduate students via UBC Card access.
- Upon your return, please tidy your space and remove items from the floor of your desk space and surrounding area to allow for cleaners to perform their work.
- In consultation with your supervisors, label any old printer, computer hardware, or large office supplies that is no longer needed in the office space and may be disposed of. Please arrange to do this by July 30th.
- Occupancy returns to 100%, so alerting the Department or logging your visits in calendars is no longer required (unless it is a practice from pre-COVID).
- You are asked to visit your assigned desk space and vacate it by July 30th, 2021. This involves:
- Removing all personal belongings from your desk
- Cleaning the desk space/area for the next student
- Taking a photo of the cleaned desk space you are vacating
- To return your keys and receive both the UBC Parking & Access and UBC Civil Engineering key deposit refunds ($70), please:
- Drop keys off at the UBC Bookstore Access Desk (10am-4pm, Mon-Fri) or via the drop box for key returns at the Health Sciences Parkade.
- Once you receive a receipt or email notification confirming key return, send a photo or copy of this AND the photo of your cleaned desk space to gen-accounts@civil.ubc.ca requesting your Department key deposit refund.
- If the Department has your bank deposit information, your refund may be processed via direct deposit, otherwise please arrange an alternate way to receive your refund.
- If you are not able to vacate your assigned desk space by July 30th, 2021, please let gradsupport@civil.ubc.ca know with a cc to your research supervisor as soon as possible.
- Unfortunately, due to limited storage space, the Department will not be able to store your belongings beyond July 30th and they will be disposed of unless other arrangements are made.
- Other fees or penalties may apply for not returning keys in a timely manner.
For all graduate student-related inquiries, please contact Kevin Veltheer at gradsupport@civil.ubc.ca.
Further reading: