Faculty Promotions: Dr. Kim, Dr. Swei, Dr. Jelovica and Dr. Molina-Hutt

We are pleased to announce the promotion of Dr. Amy Kim to Professor and Dr. Omar Swei, Dr. Jasmin Jelovica, and Dr. Carlos Molina-Hutt to the rank of Associate Professor within the UBC Civil Engineering Department. This well-deserved recognition highlights their exceptional contributions to research, teaching, and service.

Dr. Amy Kim

Dr. Amy Kim has made significant strides in transportation engineering, focusing on the operations of multimodal networks, and supporting resource allocation strategies across long-distance systems. She aims to better inform the planning of transportation systems that are more adaptable and resilient to a changing world, collaborating with researchers across disciplines in contexts such as strategic planning for wildfire evacuation, transportation infrastructure decisions under climate change impacts, and integrated analysis of air and ground transportation.

In recognition of her outstanding research potential, Dr. Kim received the UBC Killam Accelerator Research Fellowship. Awarded to only 6 individuals annually, the Fellowship provides scholars with teaching release and funding to advance their research.

Dr. Omar Swei

Dr. Omar Swei’s research broadly centers on the development and implementation of operations research methods to improve the design and maintenance of infrastructure systems. This work emphasizes the development of optimal infrastructure management policies under uncertainty and improving the economic performance and environmental sustainability of existing infrastructure assets. 

Since joining the department in 2018, Dr. Swei has developed curricula that consider the diverse backgrounds, interests, and career objectives of students—for both undergraduate and graduate students. As a result, he has been recently recognized with the 2023/2024 Killam Teaching Prize. This award is nominated by students, colleagues, and alumni and recognizes exceptional contributions through teaching

Dr. Jasmin Jelovica

Dr. Jasmin Jelovica joined UBC in 2017 with a joint appointment in the Department of Civil Engineering and the Department of Mechanical Engineering. His research focuses on development and application of computational methods for structural analysis and optimization, applied to primarily lightweight structural forms while investigating their mechanical response.

With his expertise and knowledge in structural engineering and naval architect, Dr. Jelovica and his colleagues are developing an artificial intelligence (AI)-based framework to rapidly analyze the fluid interactions and dynamics behind the chronic ship noise. They’re hoping to eventually provide marine engineers with a new suite of tools to design and manufacture quieter propellers.

Dr. Carlos Molina-Hutt

Dr. Carlos Molina-Hutt‘s research in structural engineering and earthquake resilience has significantly advanced our understanding of how buildings and infrastructure can withstand seismic events. He leads the Engineering for Seismic Resilience Laboratory (ESR Lab) at UBC. Their work focuses on the development of methodological approaches to assess seismic risk in buildings and its implications on urban resilience, and on the translation of this knowledge into tools and information for use by practicing engineers, seismic planners and policy makers.

Dr. Molina-Hutt also co-leads The UBC Disaster Resilience Research Network (DRRN), which aims to foster transdisciplinary connections and delineate shared research objectives. The network aspires to inform disaster risk reduction policies and decision-making processes at both community and governance levels.

In 2023, the UBC Disaster Resilience Research Network formed an academic advisory panel to provide the Province with expert input, as the B.C. Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness embarks on provincial disaster and climate risk and resilience assessments.

UBC Civil Engineering is proud to have such distinguished faculty members who are dedicated to advancing knowledge, fostering innovation, and shaping the next generation of engineers. Please join us in congratulating them on this milestone and in celebrating their continued contributions to the field of civil engineering.