Structural Materials


The general emphasis of research in the Structural Materials program involves the analysis and investigation of the structure, properties, behaviour and usage of all types of materials used in Civil Engineering projects, especially concrete, timber and FRPs.

Key Areas

• Mechanical Properties and Durability of Concrete and Geopolymers and their Fiber Reinforced Composites
• Shotcrete
• 3D Printed Concrete
• Impact/Blast Resistance of Concrete Structures
• Sensors and Cyber-Physical Networks FRPs in New Construction and Repair
• Carbon Neutral Building Materials
• Repair and Rehabilitation including Seismic Strengthening
• Fracture Mechanics

Media Highlights

Specialization Requirements

Elective courses (min. credits) 17 29
Seminar course CIVL 597-108/208 CIVL 597-108/208
Thesis course CIVL 599 CIVL 699

Elective requirements

Electives may be taken from the list of Approved Electives below, or other electives may be taken with the approval of the Specialty Advisor / Supervisor.

Undergraduate students who are interested in Structural Materials are directed to the following courses:

  • CIVL 420

Graduate Courses

Approved Graduate Electives:

CIVL 507Dynamics of Structures I31
CIVL 508Dynamics of Structures II32
CIVL 513Concrete Structures32
CIVL 528Advanced Concrete Technology2N/A1
CIVL 529Condition Assessment & Rehab of Civil Infrastructure31
CIVL 537Computational Mechanics I31
CIVL 538Computational Mechanics II32
MTRL 571Advanced Nanofibre Technology32
MTRL 585Topics in Fracture Mechanics31
MTRL 594Advanced Composite Materials31

Approved Undergraduate Electives:

MTRL 394Polymer and Polymer Matrix Composites42

1Not currently offered.


To learn more about Structural Materials research at UBC, please contact Dr. Nemy Banthia.



We have an 800 square metre laboratory devoted solely to structural materials research. Our labs contain several types of sophisticated equipment used to measure various mechanical properties and durability of materials. We also have a state-of-the-art shotcrete facility. Learn more.