UBC ASCE Student Chapter

The UBC ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Student Chapter is a dynamic student-led organization based at the University of British Columbia, dedicated to advancing the field of civil engineering among our fellow students.

UBC is one of the only schools outside of the United States that has an ASCE chapter, which offers students seeking an international connection to the industry a valuable resource for networking, education, and the dissemination of knowledge within the exciting realm of civil engineering. 

We are thrilled to announce that UBC will host the 2024 Pacific Northwest Symposium, featuring the regional competitions for Steel Bridge and Concrete Canoe.

Whether you’re a student looking to connect with like-minded individuals, an industry professional seeking valuable insights, or someone passionate about the fascinating world of civil engineering, you’ll find a wealth of information and opportunities here. Join us in our mission to foster innovation, collaboration, and excellence in civil engineering. Together, we’ll build a brighter future for the profession and make a lasting impact on our communities!