Dr. Alexander Bigazzi Wins Wall Legacy Award for Inclusive, Sustainable Transport Design
This initiative focuses on creating transportation infrastructure that equitably attracts users to sustainable travel modes
UBC Civil Engineering finds e-bike incentives worth the investment
A version of this article originally appeared on UBC News. Electric bicycle rebates have exploded in popularity in North America as transportation planners try to get people out of their cars and into healthier, more climate-friendly alternatives. However, there is limited understanding of the full impacts of these incentives. Are new cycling habits sustainable? Who benefits […]
UBC REACT Lab Wins 2023 Climate Action Award
UBC Civil Engineering’s REACT Lab has been honored with the 2023 Climate Action Award from the Community Energy Association for their work on an income-qualified e-bike incentive program in collaboration with the District of Saanich, British Columbia and the Greater Victoria Community Social Planning Council. This award highlights the effectiveness of the program in reducing […]
New algorithm maps safest routes for city drivers
Originally published in: UBC News Most navigation apps can show you the fastest possible route to your destination and some can even suggest an eco-friendly route calculated to produce the least amount of carbon emissions. But what if they could also map the safest route with the lowest possible risk of a crash? A new algorithm developed […]
CIVL 446’s Team 10 Selected as The Winner of D&I Project Poster
On Design and Innovation Day in April, the project titled “Improving 16th Avenue for Walking, Biking and Rolling” by Team 10 from CIVL 446 was selected as the winner of the project poster category among several amazing projects by civil engineering students. Team 10, consisting of Adi Henegar, Bahati Msakamali, Jasmine Ma, Jeremy Karkanis, […]
Study finds Vancouver can integrate new electric-powered mobility
Originally published by UBC Media Relations Love them or hate them, new mobility devices like e-bikes are here to stay. In one of the first large-scale studies to measure the real-world usage of these devices, UBC transportation researchers found that most other road users are comfortable sharing cycling lanes and off-street paths with these new […]
UBC Civil prof. partners with Saanich on e-bike rebate program
Professor Alex Bigazzi has partnered with the District of Saanich to launch the first local rebate program in BC for residents purchasing new electrically assisted bicycles (e-bikes). By assisting residents who wish to switch to electric mobility, this rebate program aims to reduce local greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increase awareness of the economic and health benefits […]
Alex Bigazzi promoted to associate professor with tenure
Dr. Alex Bigazzi, a faculty member in the UBC Department of Civil Engineering and the School of Community and Regional Planning, has received tenure and been promoted to Associate Professor. Tenureship recognizes exceptional faculty members for their distinguished scholarship, dedication to teaching and mentorship, and exemplary service to the University in helping achieve its vision […]
Dr. Tarek Sayed on crosswalk safety used in report investigation
Back in 2016, the city conducted a pilot project at two crosswalks, which added side-mounted lights to existing overhead flashing lights. At the end of this study it was “found that driver compliance rates increased 100 percent when [vehicles were] sixty metres away from the crosswalk when the lower level lights were used with the […]
Dr. Bigazzi: Vancouver’s car sharing landscape is safe and healthy
Dr. Alex Bigazzi, an assistant professor in UBC’s Department of Civil Engineering, was recently interviewed by the Vancouver Sun on changes to Vancouver’s car-sharing services. Vancouver had four popular services: Evo, car2go, Modo and ZipCar. However, as of February 29th, car2go was pulled out of Vancouver and all of North America citing the “volatile state of the […]
Dr. Tarek Sayed announced as Canada Research Chair
On June 14, 2019, UBC Civil Engineering Professor Tarek Sayed, was announced as a new Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Transportation Safety and Advanced Mobility. Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport, announced an investment of over $275 million for 346 new and renewed Canada Research Chairs at 52 institutions across Canada for research […]
Professor Alex Bigazzi speaks on proposed Rapid Transit Lines
Professor Alex Bigazzi spoke with CBC on the $9.4B 4-track rapid transit line in Metro Vancouver, proposed by former B.C. premier Mike Harcourt. Recently, both Vancouver city council and the Metro Vancouver Mayors’ Council have voted to endorse a rapid transit extension to the University of British Columbia. The project would bring rapid transit from the VCC-Clark station to […]
Call for Participants: Road User Interactions Survey
HOW WELL DO ROAD USERS INTERACT IN VANCOUVER? We are looking for participants who travel in Vancouver to take our survey. Participation requires about 15 minutes and involves viewing and rating a series of video clips of real-world interactions. All participants will be entered into a draw for one of four gift cards of $25 […]
Prof. Tarek Sayed’s Research on Pedestrian Cellphone Use
(Photo Credit: KEVIN VAN PAASSEN/THE GLOBE AND MAIL) On Tuesday, February 12, 2019, The Globe and Mail hosted their second annual Globe Drive Mobility Summit, a half-day conference focused on the technology, innovations and societal shifts giving rise to the transformation of urban transportation. One of the major topics for this year’s summit is how the growing trend of […]
UBC Study Examines Distracted Pedestrian Cellphone Use
(Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images) UBC Civil Engineering Professor Tarek Sayed‘s research on pedestrian cellphone use was featured this week in The New York Times and CBC News. In the UBC study, led by engineers, two cameras were mounted at pedestrian crossing intersections monitoring the movement of over 350 pedestrians over a two-day period. Observations from the study found that over […]
Professor Alex Bigazzi Speaks on Transit Efficiency In Vancouver
According to a study on global traffic patterns , Vancouver has the 203rd worst traffic in the world. In an effort to solve the congestion issue in city, Vancouver Mayoral candidate Wai Young proposed to remove separate bike lanes and demolish the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts if she gets elected. But are these infrastructures really the ones […]
Civil engineering professor studies new patterns in transportation
Civil Engineering Assistant Professor Alex Bigazzi and his students are using the data from these pedal and solar powered rental vehicles to look at how alternate forms of transportation change the way we move. Working with the Veemo pilot project happening across the UBC campus, Dr. Bigazzi wants to see if the app-activated electric-assisted tricycles […]
Road pricing in Vancouver
CBC Radio’s On The Coast featured an interview with Civil professor Alex Bigazzi about road pricing. He discussed how natural boundaries of downtown Vancouver peninsula could be a good starting point for setting up road pricing. The segment starts at 23:47.
The right walking speed to optimize your health
Wednesday, April 19, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin The Times Colonist quoted Civil professor Alex Bigazzi about his study that examined the optimal speed for pedestrians to move for both health benefits and lower risk of pollution. Bigazzi said the faster you move, the harder you breathe and the more pollution you could inhale.
Vancouver’s West End urged to embrace parking sharing
Tuesday, March 14, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin CBC featured a UBC study that examines how renting out residential parking spots in the West End can help with Vancouver’s parking shortage. Professor Alex Bigazzi supervised the research which found that there are about 3,700 empty parking spaces, mostly underneath West End apartment towers. Similar stories […]
City of Vancouver engineers traffic-safety solutions
Tuesday, March 14, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin Business in Vancouver mentioned work by Professor Tarek Sayed in a story about traffic safety solutions in Vancouver. Prof. Sayek conducted video analytics to determine the traffic-flow problem on Burrard Bridge.
Prof. Sayed’s traffic safety analysis tool helps achieve “Vision Zero”
Friday, February 3, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Tarek Sayed discussed his computer vision and automated safety analysis system for traffic safety with Next City. The system is being used in cities all over the world to help strive for the elimination of traffic-related deaths (a plan referred to in some countries as Vision Zero).
CBC Radio features self-healing road technology
Wednesday, January 18, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin CBC’s Quirks and Quarks featured self-repairing technology for roads developed by Professor Nemy Banthia. The new type of concrete has a hydrophilic nano-coating, which helps fills in cracks, and tiny fibres to prevent cracks from growing.
Prof. Banthia’s self-repairing road one of “the genius 15”
Wednesday, January 18, 2017 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Nemy Banthia was featured in the Deccan Chronicle for his work on a self-healing road. The new type of road is thinner, cheaper, and replaces about 60 per cent of cement with fly-ash, and is one of 15 innovations to be recognized by the Deccan Chronicle […]
Professor Alex Bigazzi on improving road safety for cyclists
Tuesday, November 22, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Alex Bigazzi spoke with CTV News Vancouver about possible strategies to improve road safety for cyclists, following a recent fatal crash involving a car and multiple cyclists in Richmond.
Discussing the horrific train crash in India
Tuesday, November 22, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Nemy Banthia spoke to CTV National News for a story on the track issues that may have contributed to a train crash in India. “These flaws can actually create very rapid fracture in these tracks, and this can happen particularly on curved tracks which is really […]
Civil Engineering prof paves way for self-repairing nano-fibre roads
Thursday, November 17, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Metro News reported on a self-repairing road project in rural India spearheaded by Professor Nemy Banthia. Prof. Banthia explained the intricacies of coated nano-fibres in the road. “This coating creates a higher humidity environment,” Banthia said. “Cement hydrates when the humidity goes up, so if a crack […]
Professor Bigazzi’s study on reducing air pollution inhalation
Thursday, October 27, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Cyclists should be riding at speeds between 12 and 20 kilometres per hour on city roads, while pedestrians should be moving at two to six kilometres per hour to minimize their inhalation of air pollution while still getting the health benefits of exercise, according to new research […]
New smart road technology making an impact in Thondebavi
Friday, October 14, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Nemy Banthia’s work to bring a new self-repairing road to the village of Thondebavi was featured in the Hindustan Times and the Times of India. Prof. Banthia’s team selected Thondebavi as the site of a project to demonstrate the new smart road technology that could help […]
Prof. Nemy Banthia on new smart road technology
Thursday, September 29, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin A rural village in India has a better connection to the world, thanks to an innovative UBC-developed road design that resists heavy rains, intense heat and poor drainage, according to professor Nemy Banthia, who led the project. Read a Q&A with Prof. Banthia, discussing the project.
Speed limit increases should be reversed, says Prof. Sayed
Wednesday, August 3, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Tarek Sayed and five other UBC professors wrote an op-ed for the Vancouver Sun about the need to reverse speed limit increases in BC.
Prof. Sayed on injury and collision increase since speed limit raise
Wednesday, June 29, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Tarek Sayed is quoted in the Globe and Mail, discussing the increase in traffic collisions since BC raised the speed limits in certain highway areas. Other media outlets that covered the story included CTV, Vancouver Sun, Times Colonist, MSN, Indo-Canadian Voice and Castanet.
Prof. Alex Bigazzi on urban cyclists’ exposure to toxicants
Friday, May 6, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Alex Bigazzi discusses urban cyclists’ exposure to toxicants while cycling on busy streets, and the advantage of choosing lower-traffic routes.
Prof. Sayed reports 24% reduction in severe crashes
Thursday, April 28, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin In a report for ICBC, Prof. Tarek Sayed and postdoc Emanuele Sacchi find that road improvement projects in BC have reduced severe crashes by an average of 24%.
Q&A with Prof. Sayed: Near misses key to reducing traffic accidents
Thursday, December 17, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin The numbers associated with traffic accidents worldwide are staggering: 1.3 million fatalities every year, and up to 50 million injuries. They’re also the leading cause of death among 15- to 29-year-olds. But thanks to the work of UBC Civil Engineering professor Tarek Sayed, those numbers could go […]
Profs. Banthia and Bérubé unveil innovative new road in India
Monday, December 14, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin Civil professor Nemy Banthia, CEO and Scientific Director of IC-IMPACTS, and Civil Professor Pierre Bérubé, UBC Co-director of Environmental Engineering, were in Thondebavi, India to unveil an innovative new road built using advanced, UBC-developed pavement technologies. The new road utilizes super-thin pavements and innovative fibers designed to […]
Prof. Sayed’s innovative road safety technology selected for award
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin UBC Civil Engineering’s Automated Computer Vision Road Safety Analysis System, led by Dr. Tarek Sayed, was selected to receive a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award. The novel automated road safety analysis techniques developed by Dr. Sayed and his UBC research team offer a solution that can […]
IC-IMPACTS to apply bottom ash concrete as a pavement solution
Friday, June 26, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin The Vancouver Sun reports on IC-IMPACTS’ effort to apply bottom ash concrete as a pavement solution for rural roads in India, as well as other IC-IMPACTS projects intended to improve water quality infrastructure for communities in both India and Canada. Commentary from Dr. Nemy Banthia, Civil Engineering Professor and […]
Dr. Tarek Sayed’s road safety video technology making an impact
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin The Edmonton Journal discusses the impact of Dr. Sayed’s new video technology on improving traffic safety at a dangerous Edmonton intersection. A similar story appeared on News1130.
Dr. Tarek Sayed provides commentary on proactive road design
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin Civil professor Tarek Sayed provided the Edmonton Sun with commentary on the importance of road design when it comes to preventing collisions. Dr. Sayed is working with the City of Edmonton’s office of traffic safety.
Civil Professor recognized with a Centennial Road Safety Award
UBC Civil Engineering Professor Tarek Sayed receiving the Academic Research Centennial Road Safety Award at the 2014 TAC Conference & Exhibition from Doug McNeil (left), Deputy Minister of Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation and TAC President and Vern Janz (right), Director of Transport Services, Yukon Department of Highways and Public Works and Chair of the Canadian […]