Prof. Tannert on the benefits of building towers with wood
Tuesday, July 5, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Thomas Tannert is quoted in The Province, discussing the benefits of using wood in the construction of towers, like UBC’s new 18-storey Brock Commons student residence building.
Prof. Sayed on injury and collision increase since speed limit raise
Wednesday, June 29, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Tarek Sayed is quoted in the Globe and Mail, discussing the increase in traffic collisions since BC raised the speed limits in certain highway areas. Other media outlets that covered the story included CTV, Vancouver Sun, Times Colonist, MSN, Indo-Canadian Voice and Castanet.
Expansion of earthquake detection systems in schools
Monday, June 27, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin CKNW reported on the upcoming expansion of school earthquake detection systems, and quoted Carlos Ventura, the head of UBC’s Earthquake Engineering Research Facility.
Prof. Don Mavinic on modern wastewater treatment challenges
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Don Mavinic is quoted in a recent opinion piece for the Times Colonist, by Jonathan Wilkinson, MP for North Vancouver and parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change. Mr. Wilkinson discusses the implementation of effective sewage treatment in the Capital Regional District in […]
Prof. Alex Bigazzi on urban cyclists’ exposure to toxicants
Friday, May 6, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Alex Bigazzi discusses urban cyclists’ exposure to toxicants while cycling on busy streets, and the advantage of choosing lower-traffic routes.
Prof. Sayed reports 24% reduction in severe crashes
Thursday, April 28, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin In a report for ICBC, Prof. Tarek Sayed and postdoc Emanuele Sacchi find that road improvement projects in BC have reduced severe crashes by an average of 24%.
Prof. Carlos Ventura on the risk of liquefaction at new hospital site
Thursday, March 10, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin On The Coast highlighted concerns that the new site for St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver could liquefy during an earthquake. Carlos Ventura, director of UBC’s earthquake engineering research facility, told CBC that while the concern is real, technology and engineering have improved in the past few decades and […]
Prof. Loretta Li analyzes ancient medicinal clay
Wednesday, February 3, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Professor Loretta Li is mentioned in a recent UBC Media release about research being conducted on Kisameet clay, long used by the Heiltsuk First Nation for its healing potential. First Nation’s clay kills antibiotic-resistant bacteria in lab tests – CBC News When Tradition Meets Business and Science: The Complex […]
EERF experts discussion of recent Metro Vancouver earthquake
Tuesday, January 5, 2016 | By Lindsay Cashin Still image above shows data transmitted by the system’s seismometers during the M4.8 earthquake. Watch the entire event unfold. Civil engineering experts provided expert commentary in various media outlets on the magnitude 4.3 earthquake that shook Metro Vancouver late on Dec. 29. Kent Johansen, a researcher working with […]
Q&A with Prof. Sayed: Near misses key to reducing traffic accidents
Thursday, December 17, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin The numbers associated with traffic accidents worldwide are staggering: 1.3 million fatalities every year, and up to 50 million injuries. They’re also the leading cause of death among 15- to 29-year-olds. But thanks to the work of UBC Civil Engineering professor Tarek Sayed, those numbers could go […]
Profs. Banthia and Bérubé unveil innovative new road in India
Monday, December 14, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin Civil professor Nemy Banthia, CEO and Scientific Director of IC-IMPACTS, and Civil Professor Pierre Bérubé, UBC Co-director of Environmental Engineering, were in Thondebavi, India to unveil an innovative new road built using advanced, UBC-developed pavement technologies. The new road utilizes super-thin pavements and innovative fibers designed to […]
Prof. Bernard Laval speaks on controversial LNG terminal
Wednesday, December 2, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin UBC engineering professor Bernard Laval was quoted in a VICE News article that examined the controversy around a proposed LNG terminal for Lelu island.
Prof. Sayed’s innovative road safety technology selected for award
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin UBC Civil Engineering’s Automated Computer Vision Road Safety Analysis System, led by Dr. Tarek Sayed, was selected to receive a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award. The novel automated road safety analysis techniques developed by Dr. Sayed and his UBC research team offer a solution that can […]
Earthquake Day
Thursday, October 29, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin UBC partnered with the Vancouver Public Library (VPL) and the City of Vancouver to bring Earthquake Day to downtown Vancouver on October 15. Held as part of the University’s Centennial celebrations, Earthquake Day was conceived as a free public event to coincide with ShakeOut BC Day, with […]
Q&A with Prof. Ventura: preparing for an earthquake in BC
Thursday, October 15, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin October 15 is officially ShakeOut BC Day, and more than 750,000 British Columbians are expected to participate in this year’s drill. In this Q&A, UBC earthquake safety expert Carlos Ventura talks about the nature of earthquakes and what’s being done to ensure that the buildings where we […]
Dr. Robert Sexsmith comments on Dewdney bridge closure
Thursday, September 24, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin Dr. Robert Sexsmith, Civil professor emeritus, spoke with the Vancouver Sun about the conditions that led to the recent Dewdney Slough Bridge closure. Read the full story.
Dr. Carlos Ventura discusses need for crucial seismic upgrades
Thursday, August 27, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin Dr. Carlos Ventura, Civil professor and director of UBC’s Earthquake Engineering Research Facility, spoke with CTV News Vancouver about the need for crucial seismic upgrades at B.C. schools. Read the full story.
IC-IMPACTS to apply bottom ash concrete as a pavement solution
Friday, June 26, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin The Vancouver Sun reports on IC-IMPACTS’ effort to apply bottom ash concrete as a pavement solution for rural roads in India, as well as other IC-IMPACTS projects intended to improve water quality infrastructure for communities in both India and Canada. Commentary from Dr. Nemy Banthia, Civil Engineering Professor and […]
Dr. Tarek Sayed’s road safety video technology making an impact
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin The Edmonton Journal discusses the impact of Dr. Sayed’s new video technology on improving traffic safety at a dangerous Edmonton intersection. A similar story appeared on News1130.
UBC Concrete Canoe awarded “Spirit of the Competition”
Tuesday, May 26, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin UBC Concrete Canoe recently returned from the Canadian National Competition at the University of Toronto, proudly bearing the Spirit of the Competition Award. Having just put the final exams behind them, the team embarked on their biggest trip of the year: four days in Toronto for the 21st CSCE […]
Dr. Tarek Sayed provides commentary on proactive road design
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin Civil professor Tarek Sayed provided the Edmonton Sun with commentary on the importance of road design when it comes to preventing collisions. Dr. Sayed is working with the City of Edmonton’s office of traffic safety.
Dr. Bernard Laval provides commentary on future of Quesnel Lake
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin Civil professor Bernard Laval provided local media with commentary on the condition of Quesnel Lake following the Mount Polley Mine disaster. Articles appeared in CTV News, the Vancouver Sun, and the Vancouver Observer.
Official Launch of the Pipeline Integrity Institute
Monday, April 27, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin APSC faculty members and administrators with leaders from PII partner organizations, depicted L – R: Richard Sones, Art Kanzaki, Dave Coffin, Michael Isaacson, Akram Alfantazi (PII Co-Director), Daan Maijer, Ken Paulson, Steve Hansen, Ziad Saad, Steve Kalny, Robert Jones, Graham Pryke, David Parker, Dharma Wijewickreme (PII Co-Director), […]
Civil Instructor’s recent paper recognized as Key Scientific Article
Wednesday, April 22, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin Dr. Yahya Nazhat’s recent peer-reviewed paper entitled The kinematics of granular soils subjected to rapid impact loading has been recognized by Advances in Engineering as a Key Scientific Article contributing to excellence in engineering, scientific, and industrial research. Advances in Engineering strives to alert the scientific and industrial community to “innovative papers […]
Canadian and Indian Prime Ministers speak on bilateral relations
Monday, April 20, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin In the first visit to Canada by an Indian Prime Minister in 42 years, the Honourable Narendra Modi was hosted by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper during a trip to Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver in mid-April, 2015. In a joint statement addressing the full spectrum of bilateral […]
UBC Concrete Canoe off to ASCE Pacific Northwest Regionals
Friday, April 17, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin After months of preparation, the UBC Concrete Canoe Team has finally set off to attend the ASCE Pacific Northwest Regional Student Concrete Canoe Competition! The competition runs April 16 – 19 at Idaho State University. Visit Concrete Canoe on Facebook for daily updates and photos from the competition. Best […]
Second year students test their timber trusses to failure
Thursday, April 16, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin On Tuesday, April 7, students in CIVL 228 (Introduction to Structural Engineering) celebrated the culminaton of their course work during truss testing day. Each year, CIVL 228 students work together to apply the structural analysis knowledge learned in class to design, construct, and test a timber truss […]
Watch 4.8 Tofino quake unfold on BC’s Early Warning System
Tuesday, March 31, 2015 | By Lindsay Cashin Watch the Earthquake Early Warning System at work! This video, narrated by Civil Engineering Research Associate Dr. Kent Johansen, shows how a recent magnitude 4.8 Tofino earthquake propagated through the area from Powell River to Chilliwack. Developed under the lead of Dr. Carlos Ventura, the Earthquake Early […]
Professor Carlos Ventura’s Innovate 2014 Presentation Video
Last fall, Civil professor Carlos Ventura delivered a dynamic presentation on earthquake engineering at Innovate 2014, the APSC’s first annual showcase of some of the most advanced research coming out of the Faculty.
IC-IMPACTS: Dr. Nemy Banthia builds new partnerships in India
Pictured L – R, standing: BC Deputy Minister for Advanced Education Sandra Carroll, Aisa Pacific Foundation President and CEO Stewart Beck, BC Premier Christy Clark, BC Minister for Advanced Education Amrik Virk, UBC President Arvind Gupta, College of Surgeons of India Chairman Gautam Sen. Seated: Nemy Banthia, Reliance Senior Vice President Gunjan Sharma The following […]
The EERF welcomes BC’s Minister of Education
Pictured L-R: Civil Professor and Director of the EERF Dr. Carlos Ventura; Ann English, P.Eng., CEO and Registrar, APEGBC; Hon. Peter Fassbender, Minister of Education; Charlene Fassbender. Photo Credit: Wendy D Photography The Department of Civil Engineering was pleased to welcome Education Minister Peter Fassbender to the Earthquake Engineering Research Facility on Friday. During his visit, […]
The Department of Civil Engineering welcomes Dr. Yahya Nazhat
The Department of Civil Engineering is very pleased to welcome Dr. Yahya Nazhat as the newest member of our faculty team. Dr. Nazhat brings over twenty five years of experience in geotechnical engineering design and implementation; having held senior engineering and management positions in industry in both Australia and Iraq. Dr. Nazhat was appointed as […]
Civil Professor recognized with a Centennial Road Safety Award
UBC Civil Engineering Professor Tarek Sayed receiving the Academic Research Centennial Road Safety Award at the 2014 TAC Conference & Exhibition from Doug McNeil (left), Deputy Minister of Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation and TAC President and Vern Janz (right), Director of Transport Services, Yukon Department of Highways and Public Works and Chair of the Canadian […]
Civil in the news: Dr. Carlos Ventura “on alert for the Big One”
UBC’s Carlos Ventura (Civil Engineering) is part of a team that is developing a new earthquake early-warning system. Photo: Paul Joseph. Click here for a five minute segment on the earthquake early-warning system from CBC News. Placing earthquake sensors in 50 schools is step one of a UBC engineer’s vision for a life-saving warning network. Ten, […]
Dr. Carlos Ventura provides commentary on California earthquake
Dr. Carlos Ventura, Civil professor and director of UBC’s Earthquake Engineering Research Facility, provided local media with commentary on a recent strong earthquake in California, and how a similar earthquake would affect BC. Click here to view the on-air interview.
Hitting the road, safely: Q & A with Tarek Sayed
As vacationers embark on summer road trips, a Civil prof talks about new ways for making the highways and byways collision free Tarek Sayed is a road safety engineer in the Faculty of Applied Science. He uses automated video analysis techniques at intersections to make roads safer for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. What causes road […]
Civil faculty members awarded over $300,000 in NSERC funding
Civil engineering faculty members were five of the thirty six APSC researchers to receive funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) as part of the 2014 funding competition. Research Tools and Instruments Grants Program awards went to Professor Pierre Bérubé for the Organic Carbon Characterization System research project and Professor […]
Civil engineering research recognized at BC Legislative Assembly
At the BC Legislative Assembly on the technology for recycling of phosphorus from sewage, MLA Ralph Sultan spoke of Civil Engineering Professor Don Mavinic’s research on phosphorus recycling. Dr. Mavinic and his team of UBC engineers recently demonstrated how they extract phosphorus and convert it into a slow-release fertilizer at Annacis Island. Sultan was present at the […]
Civil researchers report exciting superoxygenation findings
L – R: Civil graduate student Tyler Barber, Professor Don Mavinic, and Ken Christison, principal engineer at Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, pictured with the aeration column and dissolved oxygen monitors used for this research. Supplying oxygen via aeration for water treatment is an energy intensive process, accounting for up to 60% of the energy requirements in […]
Prof. Bérubé co-supervisor of AWWA Award winner
Dr. Pierre Bérubé was co-supervisor for the paper entitled “Impact of Surface Shear Stress and Pre-Coagulation on Membrane Fouling,” which was selected to receive the American Water Works Association Student Best Paper Award at the 2014 Membrane Technology Conference. Dr. Heather Wray (Ph.D. candidate at the time and now a Civil Postdoctoral Fellow) was the student winner. […]
Civil researchers develop sustainable waste management system
Dr. K. Victor Lo’s team of graduate students, research associates, and postdoctoral fellows in Civil are approaching pre-commercialization of their “sludge-busting” microwave technology for sustainable waste management in the wastewater treatment industry. The microwave enhanced advanced oxidation process (MW/H2O2) is a patented technology developed by Dr. K.V. Lo’s research team at the UBC’s Civil Engineering […]
Civil professor co-leads Building Information Modeling project
Dr. Sheryl Staub-French is one of the leaders of the Construction and ICT project research team who published a report this week on the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Canada’s construction industry. The report, entitled “The Inevitable Shift Towards Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Canada’s Construction Sector” details the main benefits, challenges and […]
Dr. Carlos Ventura gives overview of seismic risk in BC
Images courtesy of Carlos Ventura. At centre: BC Smart Infrastructure Monitoring System Shake Map, showing infrastructure currently being monitored. At right: Engineers inspect field vibration testing equipment at Ironworkers Memorial Second Narrows Crossing. Dr. Carlos Ventura, Civil Engineering Professor and Director of the Earthquake Engineering Research Facility (EERF), presented the faculty seminar “The Art and Science […]
Civil Engineering unveils new Structural Teaching Lab
The Department of Civil Engineering welcomed industry partners to campus on April 24th, 2013, to mark the grand opening of the new Structural Engineering Teaching Laboratory in the Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building. Those present witnessed a demonstration of the lab’s new Reconfigurable Structure Testing Frame and Small Scale Shaking Table Facility. The new testing […]
Civil professor leads IC-IMPACTS to tackle infectious diseases
Researchers from the University of British Columbia, University of Alberta, University of Toronto and 11 leading institutions in India have joined forces in a $30 million partnership to tackle urgent issues in both countries. Supported by the Canadian government and state and industry partners in India, the India-Canada Centre for Innovative Multidisciplinary Partnerships to Accelerate […]