In Memoriam: Dr. Donald Leigh Anderson
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dr. Donald Leigh Anderson. He passed peacefully on Friday, January 17th, surrounded by loved ones in Vancouver, British Columbia. Don was born on June 20, 1934, in the small community of Scandia, Alberta. Don received his BSc degree in Civil Engineering at the University […]
Dr. Alexander Bigazzi Wins Wall Legacy Award for Inclusive, Sustainable Transport Design
This initiative focuses on creating transportation infrastructure that equitably attracts users to sustainable travel modes
UBC Civil Engineering unveils new hallway mural in CEME
The Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building is not quite how students left it at the end of the last academic term. Over the summer, the white walls that lined the hallway leading down the Civil Engineering laboratories were transformed into a colorful mural by local Musqueam artist, Debra Sparrow, and her team. Titled “The Thunderbird […]
UBC Environmental Engineering receives Board accreditation
This announcement originally appeared on UBC Environmental Engineering. UBC Environmental Engineering (ENVL) has achieved the maximum allowable accreditation period for a new program by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB). The first accreditation period will be for three years for the four-year program at the UBC Vancouver campus, with regular renewal procedures planned to maintain program accreditation […]
All CIVL courses to remain online until February 7, 2022
UBC Engineering returning to in-person classes on February 7.
Classes moving online January 10-23, 2022
UBC has announced a two-week transition period when students will take most courses online.
Two Civil community members receive Dean’s Service Award
Dr. Michael Isaacson and Scott Jackson honoured by the Faculty of Applied Science with the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Service.
2021 Term 1 Student Advising Protocol
Inquiry Type How to Get in Touch Quick Questions1 to 5 minute question(registration issues, course conflicts, program or process info, resources, contact info, directions, etc.) Zoom Drop-in AdvisingTues/Wed @ 1:30-2pm Undergrad:Zoom link: 676321or Phone: 604-827-5821 (Kali) Grad:Zoom link: Amt2F8or Phone: 604-822-4429 (Kevin) No appointment is required. During advising hours, join via the QR […]
Welcome back to UBC Civil
All faculty, staff, and graduate students must complete the UBC Go Forward COVID-19 Safety Training course prior to returning to campus. Guidelines: A daily self-health assessment is required before attending campus. Stay home if you are sick. Use the Thrive Health self-assessment tool for guidance and follow the advice from Public Health. Everyone must follow relevant signage when moving around […]
UBC Steel Bridge places first at Canadian Nationals
The UBC Steel Bridge design team, comprised of 50 UBC Civil Engineering undergraduate and Master’s students, recently won first place at the 2021 Canadian National Steel Bridge Competition. While the team had consistently placed in the top three in previous years, this was their first time winning the top prize. Supervised by faculty members Drs. Noboru Yonemitsu and Carlos Molina Hutt, the […]
Ryan Ziels develops increasingly accurate DNA sequencing method
Researchers can now eliminate almost all errors produced by a widely used portable DNA sequencer, thanks to a new method developed by UBC Civil Engineering Assistant Professor Dr. Ryan Ziels. This advancement will potentially enable scientists out in the field or in smaller labs to study microorganisms, such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus, much more accurately […]
UBC Civil Engineering welcomes Amy Kim and Zhengbo Zou
The Department of Civil Engineering is pleased to extend a warm welcome to two new faculty members: Dr. Amy Kim joins the Department as an Associate Professor in the Transportation Engineering specialization. Dr. Kim’s research centres on modeling various aspects of multimodal transportation systems, and how this can help support strategic planning efforts and policy decisions. […]
Jongho Lee elected to Journal of Membrane Science editorial board
Assistant Professor Jongho Lee has been selected to join the Journal of Membrane Science Early Career Editorial Board (ECEB). Among hundreds of candidates from across the globe, Dr. Lee was chosen as one of three from North America and the only scholar from Canada. The Journal of Membrane Science is the preeminent journal in the field of membrane […]
UBC Civil Engineering professor brings innovative teaching
The Department of Civil Engineering is pleased to welcome Dr. Tamara Etmannski as Assistant Professor of Teaching within the environmental engineering specialization. As the Academic Director of the Master of Engineering Leadership (MEL) degree programs and Co-Director of the Joint UBC/UNBC Environmental Engineering undergraduate degree, Dr. Etmannski is a familiar name in the Faculty of Applied Science and has come […]
Fourth-year student receives two Pipeline Engineering awards
Jezarah Ebel was always destined for a bright future in engineering. After excelling in math and physics in high school, choosing to study Civil Engineering at UBC was a no-brainer. Driven by a newfound interest in project management, she decided to further specialize in pipeline engineering. This year, Jezarah is one of three students (along with […]
In Memoriam: Dr. William Kaye (Bill) Oldham
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dr. William Kaye Oldham (Bill to his friends and colleagues.) Bill died peacefully on Tuesday, Oct. 6th at his home in Merville, B.C.—just a few miles from where he was born. Born in Cumberland on Vancouver Island, BC on May 27, 1936, Bill graduated […]
Impact Report highlights research, funding, academic success
There’s a reason we are consistently ranked at #1 in Canada and among the top 30 civil engineering schools worldwide by the QS World University Rankings. Over the past decade, our renowned faculty have provided tremendous leadership in educational and research activities, and fostered close relationships with industry and government. Our alumni are also leaders in […]
UBC Civil Engineering standing up against racism
The Department of Civil Engineering stands in solidarity with the global Black community and supports the calls for justice for George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, Tony McDade, Trayvon Martin and other Black individuals who have experienced historic, systemic, and ongoing violence and brutality at the hands of police and others. These recent […]
Application open for new UBC environmental engineering program
Have questions for the program directors? We’re hosting a Virtual Information Session this Thursday, April 30th from 11AM to noon PST. Join us on Zoom at! To meet the rising demand for environmental engineers by government agencies and the manufacturing, agricultural, and resource sectors, as well as consulting firms, the University of British Columbia is […]
Alex Bigazzi promoted to associate professor with tenure
Dr. Alex Bigazzi, a faculty member in the UBC Department of Civil Engineering and the School of Community and Regional Planning, has received tenure and been promoted to Associate Professor. Tenureship recognizes exceptional faculty members for their distinguished scholarship, dedication to teaching and mentorship, and exemplary service to the University in helping achieve its vision […]
UBC Civil Engineering: COVID19 Updates, Resources and FAQ
Updated April 6, 2020 – 2:00 pm. PDT For the latest information on UBC’s response to COVID-19, please visit the following resources: UBC’s response: UBC Faculty of Applied Science’s response: Student resources: Graduate student resources: To support UBC’s social distancing protocols, a number of Civil Engineering staff and faculty will be working remotely. The Student […]
Dr. Donald Mavinic Appointed to the Order of Canada
Donald Mavinic, a professor emeritus in UBC’s Department of Civil Engineering and an internationally recognized expert in water treatment, has been appointed to the Order of Canada “[f]or his contributions to environmental engineering science and technology in Canada.” One of the country’s highest honours, the Order aims to recognize people “whose service shapes our society, […]
Dr. Carlos Molina Hutt Awarded The Shah Prize by the EERI
Congratulations to Dr. Carlos Molina Hutt, who has been awared the 2019 EERI Shah Family Innovation Prize by the Earthquake Engineering Research Insititute! The Shah Prize is awarded annually to young professionals and academics for creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit in the field of earthquake risk mitigation and management. In the press release by the EERI, they stated […]
Annual Orientation Welcomes New Civil Engineering Majors
On September 3rd, 2019, the Department welcomed new Civil Engineering majors with its annual undergraduate student orientation. The orientation consisted of a scavenger hunt and popsicle stick model bridge-building competition. This Fall, we welcome over 120 new majors into the Bachelors in Civil Engineering program. The new students started off their first day with an […]
UBC Civil Welcomes International Students for Summer Program
During July 13- August 13, 2019, the Department of Civil Engineering hosted dozens of international undergraduate students for the annual Vancouver Summer Program. The Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) is a four-week academic program offered by various Faculties at the University of British Columbia, Canada for students from cooperating universities. The program provides the opportunity to take two […]
UBC Steel Bridge Design Team Triumphs At 2019 Nationals
In May 2019, the UBC Steel Bridge Design Team competed at the 2019 Canadian National Steel Bridge Competition at l’Université de Montréal. UBC Engineering Student Design Team, composed of 14 undergraduate engineering students, competed against 18 teams from Canada, USA, Mexico, and China. Out of the teams that competed, UBC Steel Bridge ranked 1st in lightness, 3rd in oral presentation, and 3rd overall, making this year’s […]
Civil Engineering Welcomes New Department & Associate Heads
On July 1st, 2019, the Department of Civil Engineering welcomed Dr. Bernard Laval as the new Department Head. Laval has demonstrated outstanding leadership and administrative skills since joining Department of Civil Engineering in 2002, serving as the Co-director of the UNBC/UBC Environmental Engineering Program and Associate Head of Undergraduate Students. He has also shown a strong commitment […]
IC-IMPACTS Signs Agreement with First Nation Community
On Thursday, May 1, 2019 IC-IMPACTS was invited to the Chawathil First Nations community in Hope, B.C. on Thursday, May 2, 2019 for a groundbreaking ceremony to set up an infrastructure technology demonstration project. IC-IMPACTS advanced self-repairing pavement technology will soon be deployed and the community will see the installation of new pavements using fiber […]
2019 Civil Undergraduate Teaching Award Recipients
After a vote by the undergraduate student body, we are pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Civil Undergraduate Teaching Awards: Undergraduate Teaching Award Winner 2nd year Student Appreciation Award Dr. Gregory A. Lawrence 3rd year Student Appreciation Award Dr. Bernard Laval 4th year Student Appreciation Award Dr. Yahya Nazhat Exceptional Commitment to Students Pamela Rogalski, P.Eng Each award […]
UBC Civil Staff and Faculty Team Competes in Vancouver Sun Run
Congrats to the Department of Civil Engineering Sun Run Team for completing the 2019 Vancouver Sun Run! This years CIVIL Sun Run Team included (left to right): Professor Bernard Laval, Professor Terje Haukaas, Diego Pastor Bartoli, Professor Alex Bigazzi, Jade Koide, Professor Carlos Molina Hutt, Shannon Remillong, Chris Gorczynski, and Daniela Hajdukovic (not pictured) Despite […]
Celebrating the 3rd Annual UBC Design & Innovation Day
Celebrating its 3rd consecutive year, the UBC Design & Innovation Day on April 4th showcased UBC Engineering students’ capstone projects, design initiatives, and research activities throughout the academic term. Capstone design projects are a major component of the UBC Engineering curriculum where undergraduate students have the opportunity to design a product or service, and solve an open-ended problem within […]
Dr. Sheryl Staub-French Discusses Gender Gap in BC Engineering
Recent data from Statistics Canada indicates that despite the shortage in skilled engineers in British Columbia, the percentage of female students enrolled in post-secondary engineering programs (55.7%) continues to lag behind other programs such as health (72.7%) and law/social sciences (66.4%). In industry, women make up 12% of engineering jobs in BC and 20% of […]
Call for Participants: Road User Interactions Survey
HOW WELL DO ROAD USERS INTERACT IN VANCOUVER? We are looking for participants who travel in Vancouver to take our survey. Participation requires about 15 minutes and involves viewing and rating a series of video clips of real-world interactions. All participants will be entered into a draw for one of four gift cards of $25 […]
Professor Emeritus to be awarded George W. Housner Medal
Congratulations to Dr. Liam Finn, Professor Emeritus at UBC, who will be presented with the George W. Housner Medal in 2019! The award will be presented do Dr. Finn on Thursday, March 7, 2019 at the EERI Honour Ceremony and Annual Business Meeting in Vancouver British Columbia. The George W. Housner Medal of the Earthquake Engineering […]
Congratulations To Harald Schrempp On His Retirement
Congratulations to Harald Schrempp, Manager of Civil Labs & Workshops, who has retired from UBC Civil Engineering after 33 years with the department! Harald Schrempp joined the Department in September 1985 as an Engineering Technician 4. In July 1998, he was promoted to Workshop Supervisor (Eng. Technician 5), and in January 2014, he was promoted […]
Best Wishes to Professor Eric Hall On His Retirement
Congratulations to Professor Dr. Eric Hall, who has retired from UBC Civil Engineering after 26 years with the department! Dr. Hall obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Biochemistry from McMaster University in 1972 and 1974. He then pursued studies in the Water Research Group at McMaster, where he received a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering […]
UBC Civil Teams Wins 2018 WEFTEC Student Design Competition
Congratulations to UBC Civil Environmental students (left to right) James Craxton, Steven Rintoul, Lutz Subagio, Johnson Li, as well as supervisor Professor Noboru Yonemitsu, who won first place in the 2018 WEFTEC Student Design Competition! The Student Design Competition begins at the Member Association (MA) level. Each MA is encouraged to develop their own Student Design […]
UBC Civil Prof. Featured as Keynote Speaker at STEM Conference
On Sept. 16 2018, UBC Civil Professor Dr. Loretta Li was featured as one of the keynote speakers at this year’s STEM Career Conference, held at the Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel. The conference is an annual event for high school and university students who excel at or are interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and […]